Oil Drain Plug Socket



In a message dated 11/17/02 6:27:52 AM Pacific Standard Time,
billiam@erols.com writes:

> ~Bilgey~

Hi Bilgey,
Would an 8 point socket work? You can get almost any shape socket from the
tool guys that travel around in those tool trucks. The ones that stop at the
repair shops like Snap-On or Mac Tool. But I think 8 point sockets were used
on square nuts. You may find 8 point sockets at Home Depot, square nuts were
sorta a wood working thing. Hope this helps.
Tommy in Tampa

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Bill Connelly

Does anyone know where one can purchase a 3/8" drive socket with a square
instead of a hex working end for oil changes in a later model Amphi? Up to
now I've always used the open end of a 7/16" combination wrench with a big
screwdriver as a sort of tommy bar, but I must have really given it the
heave-ho tightening it up last time, or maybe the cold weather is
constricting the metal, but it just won't budge. I don't want to round out
the drain plug, so any tips would be appreciated. I tried Sears last night,
but there was no joy in Mudville...


Ed Price

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Connelly
To: amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 6:25 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Oil Drain Plug Socket

Does anyone know where one can purchase a 3/8" drive socket with a square
instead of a hex working end for oil changes in a later model Amphi? Up to
now I've always used the open end of a 7/16" combination wrench with a big
screwdriver as a sort of tommy bar, but I must have really given it the
heave-ho tightening it up last time, or maybe the cold weather is
constricting the metal, but it just won't budge. I don't want to round out
the drain plug, so any tips would be appreciated. I tried Sears last night,
but there was no joy in Mudville...


Try the Harbor Freight site at http://www.harborfreight.com

And, once you get that out of there, try to find a standard metric or Imperial
oil pan drain bolt as a replacement. I kinda like those plugs with the built-in
magnet for trapping tiny bits of steel.

El Cajon
67 Rust Guppy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Ken Chambers


Sears Craftsman 7/16", 8pt, 3/8 drive socket, p/n 44344. About $3.
I purchased mine in the store but also available on line at www.sears.com.

Ken Chambers
'64 Red

> Does anyone know where one can purchase a 3/8" drive socket with a square
> instead of a hex working end for oil changes in a later model Amphi? ... I
> tried Sears last night,
> but there was no joy in Mudville...

Bill Connelly

Re: Re: Oil Drain Plug Socket

Thanks to everyone who came through with suggestions on the oil drain plug
socket in response to my posting far below. When I saw Ken's response just
below with the part number and all, I just ran with it back to Sears, and so
now I'm all set. The problem during my first visit there was in asking for
a "4 point" (i.e. square) working end instead of an "8 point" one. For the
record, anyone wanting to see the exact item on the Sears website at
www.sears.com can do so by putting 44344 in the little "Search by Keywords
or Item #" searchbox found at the upper left of their homepage.

I'll also keep in mind those other tips about using a 1/2" drive extension
in case this weird new socket burrows too deeply into the tool pit some day.




Sears Craftsman 7/16", 8pt, 3/8 drive socket, p/n 44344. About $3.
I purchased mine in the store but also available on line at www.sears.com.

Ken Chambers
'64 Red

> Does anyone know where one can purchase a 3/8" drive socket with a square
> instead of a hex working end for oil changes in a later model Amphi? ...
> tried Sears last night,
> but there was no joy in Mudville...

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