Time is running out! Add your name to the list for a phenomenal day of "Fun
and Friends". The "Swim on the Ultimate Amphicar Lake" is only a week away.
Considering the number of RSVP's so far, could this swim-in be headed for
the record of the biggest Amphicar event next to Celina? If it happens,
"Dave the Wave" would not be happy. I thing that Dave sabotaged his motor so
he would have a good excuse for not bringing his car to this event (one less
car could make the difference). Dave, I hope to see you there anyway, Amphi
or not!
My wife Jeanne is even excited! This is a very good sign since I had thought
that she was hopelessly burnt-out on the entire scene, but when she heard
about how many cars and people were attending, things changed. She even
wants a nickname. Maybe she will be Jeanne "It's never too late to re-light
the fire" Vondracek.
If you need a steering brace, coming to the event will lower the cost of
your trip by $5. And you will get to study my latest creation, the "Not so
Big" Amphicar trailer. I'll bring it to the swim-in.
And don't forget, I will have a special surprise for everyone that attends.
This special perk will happen on the water, so unless you have another idea,
you will need an Amphicar. And on Sunday (if you can stay for more fun), I
will lead the way to New Buffalo, Michigan (about 45 minutes away) to
experience one of Lake Michigan's best protected harbors. And the Lake is
always like glass on Sundays. If you are headed northeast to get home, it
will be right on your way.
Hope to see you there
Rob "still alive" Vondracek
'64 red
and Friends". The "Swim on the Ultimate Amphicar Lake" is only a week away.
Considering the number of RSVP's so far, could this swim-in be headed for
the record of the biggest Amphicar event next to Celina? If it happens,
"Dave the Wave" would not be happy. I thing that Dave sabotaged his motor so
he would have a good excuse for not bringing his car to this event (one less
car could make the difference). Dave, I hope to see you there anyway, Amphi
or not!
My wife Jeanne is even excited! This is a very good sign since I had thought
that she was hopelessly burnt-out on the entire scene, but when she heard
about how many cars and people were attending, things changed. She even
wants a nickname. Maybe she will be Jeanne "It's never too late to re-light
the fire" Vondracek.
If you need a steering brace, coming to the event will lower the cost of
your trip by $5. And you will get to study my latest creation, the "Not so
Big" Amphicar trailer. I'll bring it to the swim-in.
And don't forget, I will have a special surprise for everyone that attends.
This special perk will happen on the water, so unless you have another idea,
you will need an Amphicar. And on Sunday (if you can stay for more fun), I
will lead the way to New Buffalo, Michigan (about 45 minutes away) to
experience one of Lake Michigan's best protected harbors. And the Lake is
always like glass on Sundays. If you are headed northeast to get home, it
will be right on your way.
Hope to see you there
Rob "still alive" Vondracek
'64 red