Next years swim in


Doug Parsons

Hello fellow amphibians,

There has been some discussion on the board about the swim in next
year, about the location of the swim in. Most feel that the way
Celina goes out of there way and the numbers keep increasing that we
should keep it there. Others say been there done that. Give us some
input through the poll feature on this list or an email to me and it
will give us some information to make us dangerous. While we know we
can't please everybody it helps knowing what you feel.


In regards to next year's swim in. How about making it
longer. For those of us traveling many miles (or as with
Dave, across the "pond"), a day and a half is very short....
i.e. starts at 5 PM friday and by Sunday AM everybody is
bugging out... Its true, a few came early and stayed later,
but there was an lot to pack into just Saturday...

Al and Debra Heath

David Chapman

Re: Re: Next years swim in

> In regards to next year's swim in. How about making it
> longer.

That's certainly the case in Germany where the Amphicar swim-ins can last
all week, sometimes through a second weekend - but then some companies there
give their staff 40 days paid holiday a year and the average is around 30 !

David Chapman