new members,


Gord Souter

Alot of new members are a little shy about talking on this page, but Im sure
we would all like to here from other members and the doings.
Jeff dose not talk to much on the computer but he makes up for it in person
and has a lot of great ideas,maybe now that he is finished his busy summer
season we will here more form you on the computor.
Work on the fiberglass molds are just about done,When done there will be
almost every body pannel avalable for the Amphicar.!!!!
This has cost alot of $ and time but hope it will be worthwhile in the end
for all.
If anyone wants some constution phots email me of line.
4 amphs

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Jeff Collins

Ok Jeff is winding down on the busy summer and hanging Christmas lights......BUT
his wife secretary is insisting he learn to at least open his e-mail before he
gets too chatty on the line......

Gord Souter <> wrote:
Alot of new members are a little shy about talking on this page, but Im sure
we would all like to here from other members and the doings.
Jeff dose not talk to much on the computer but he makes up for it in person
and has a lot of great ideas,maybe now that he is finished his busy summer
season we will here more form you on the computor.
Work on the fiberglass molds are just about done,When done there will be
almost every body pannel avalable for the Amphicar.!!!!
This has cost alot of $ and time but hope it will be worthwhile in the end
for all.
If anyone wants some constution phots email me of line.
4 amphs

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