John Bevins
"Bill Connelly" <billiam@e...> wrote:
> Dear Cap'n:
> Well, as promised you will find that I've added a link to your Parts
> Catalog's old address,
> http://www.amphicar.net/minnow/Catalog/Gordons.html
> in pride of place on the new Club "Restoration" page at
> http://www.amphiclub.addr.com/restoration.htm that should insure
some traffic.
Thanks for the help! I have been working on the electrical.The
drawings are mostly redone. Soon I will will start the HTML for
Last Sunday 90 deg, today, snowing and 38 deg! Si I had some time on
the compuker.
I trimmed off a bunch of fat from the old site and did a remodel of
the whole thing in general last Friday eve. (got rid of frames) Then
shortly after my connection wouldn't let me play. So until about 3:00
(mountain) today I couldn't let you know that paths have changed.
Sorry Bill!
So why is your Catalog "404" now of all times? In fact, your
> whole site seems to have disappeared without a trace except for the
> Screen.
Humm? I noticed that there were a few hits. It works here (I.E). Some
paths have changed so your book marks may be the problem.(?)
> Dear Cap'n:
> Well, as promised you will find that I've added a link to your Parts
> Catalog's old address,
> http://www.amphicar.net/minnow/Catalog/Gordons.html
> in pride of place on the new Club "Restoration" page at
> http://www.amphiclub.addr.com/restoration.htm that should insure
some traffic.
Thanks for the help! I have been working on the electrical.The
drawings are mostly redone. Soon I will will start the HTML for
Last Sunday 90 deg, today, snowing and 38 deg! Si I had some time on
the compuker.
I trimmed off a bunch of fat from the old site and did a remodel of
the whole thing in general last Friday eve. (got rid of frames) Then
shortly after my connection wouldn't let me play. So until about 3:00
(mountain) today I couldn't let you know that paths have changed.
Sorry Bill!
So why is your Catalog "404" now of all times? In fact, your
> whole site seems to have disappeared without a trace except for the
> Screen.
Humm? I noticed that there were a few hits. It works here (I.E). Some
paths have changed so your book marks may be the problem.(?)