new look on Yahoo Groups



This will take some adjustment.
Light blue frames and reverese
order. Hmmmm... change can be
good. I guess its just part of
Yahoo's evolution.

Mike I., so what's new with the
potential new digest location?
Read you found an even better
site. When can we explore it?

Looks like our first Amphicar
weekend since the heavy rains.
Lakes are VERY full... time for
a swim or two.

64' Turquoise
San Diego, CA

Mike Israel

OK, looks like Yahoo is making this easier on me.

We are almost ready to move. One thing I did not like
about the new solution is that it does not integrate
email delivery very well. Many of our most active
users utilize the email delivery of individual posts.
Unfortunately, I discovered that the new software does
not even include full text of messages in the daily
digest. Thus, my latest creation.

It is not finished yet, I have not built a full portal
around it, but check out
(sorry, you will have to register again, I suggest
using same userid and pasword as on the other new

This solution presents a VERY user-friendly interface.
What is nice is that if you click on the "My Account
Button" and then "Watched Forums" you will see that
you can easily subscribe for email delivery in a way
that makes sense. Go to the "Members" button and
click on the state where you see someone resides, that
brings up a very cool feature!

I suspect that this new solution is the route I will
probably take. Once folks start registering I can
prbably cut over within two weeks if feedback is
positive. I can always add the portal bits as we go.

So, with apologies for all the options, please visit and let me know what
you think. Do include your city and state when you
register as that will enable some neat look-ups.

Mike I.

--- Amphipoda <> wrote:
> This will take some adjustment.
> Light blue frames and reverese
> order. Hmmmm... change can be
> good. I guess its just part of
> Yahoo's evolution.
> Mike I., so what's new with the
> potential new digest location?
> Read you found an even better
> site. When can we explore it?
> Looks like our first Amphicar
> weekend since the heavy rains.
> Lakes are VERY full... time for
> a swim or two.
> Amphipoda
> 64' Turquoise
> San Diego, CA