New door area seam seal mouldings from Hugh. How to install??


Mike Israel

Hi All,

I would probably call Hugh directly but I think he is
still in MI. Thus, I shall try the list.

While in Celina I picked up a set of the new white
mouldings from Hugh which attach to the body around
the door area (white with a chrome clip on the ends).
It looked like Hugh sold quite a few of these so I was
wondering if anyone has figured out how to install

Anyway, the original moulding is a U-channel shaped
piece, presses right over the seam. The new piece,
well, uh, I can not quite describe it but it looks
quite a bit different. More or less flat with an
arrow shaped bit on the one side that looks like it
was meant to slide into a chrome piece for something
like a window.

Since I have never been very good at putting puzzles
together it could just be me. Likewise, it is
possible that I misunderstood Hugh and that this is
not even a seam seal molding (although it does come
with the two chrome clips).

If you have figured this one out, please do share!


Mike Israel
65 Amphi (white)
List/Digest Admin


Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Michael Echemann

I know the pieces your talking about and they are pretty much ,just like the
originals. You need to simply glue them in place ( I'd use 3M weatherstrip
glue). The chrome clips simply squeeze together to help hold and decorate
this white moulding where they end.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Israel" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 10:02 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] New door area seam seal mouldings from Hugh. How
to install??

> Hi All,
> I would probably call Hugh directly but I think he is
> still in MI. Thus, I shall try the list.
> While in Celina I picked up a set of the new white
> mouldings from Hugh which attach to the body around
> the door area (white with a chrome clip on the ends).
> It looked like Hugh sold quite a few of these so I was
> wondering if anyone has figured out how to install
> them.
> Anyway, the original moulding is a U-channel shaped
> piece, presses right over the seam. The new piece,
> well, uh, I can not quite describe it but it looks
> quite a bit different. More or less flat with an
> arrow shaped bit on the one side that looks like it
> was meant to slide into a chrome piece for something
> like a window.
> Since I have never been very good at putting puzzles
> together it could just be me. Likewise, it is
> possible that I misunderstood Hugh and that this is
> not even a seam seal molding (although it does come
> with the two chrome clips).
> If you have figured this one out, please do share!
> Thanks,
> Mike Israel
> 65 Amphi (white)
> List/Digest Admin
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> I can not quite describe it but it looks
> quite a bit different. More or less flat with an
> arrow shaped bit on the one side that looks like it
> was meant to slide into a chrome piece for something
> like a window.


It sounds like you may have one of the bags that has the seal for the
rear horizontal bumpers. I noticed that there were a couple of those
with the chrome clips mistakenly taped to them instead of the U
channel for the doors. The new channel should look identical to the
ols stuff.


Mike Israel

Re: Re: New door area seam seal mouldings from Hugh. How to install??

Bingo, that is indeed what happened. I checked the
second one this evening and it has the correct
molding. Both bags have the same part number and the
clips, just different parts inside.

I was starting to think I had lost my mind or that
Hugh had come up with real Rube Goldberg solution. If
you do get the right molding it is a nice replacement
part. My one door seam looks great!

Thanks for the post. If anyone else picked up these
moldings at Celina you may want to check what is
inside the plastic bags.

Mike I.

--- a_colo_native <> wrote:
> Mike,
> It sounds like you may have one of the bags that has
> the seal for the
> rear horizontal bumpers. I noticed that there were a
> couple of those
> with the chrome clips mistakenly taped to them
> instead of the U
> channel for the doors. The new channel should look
> identical to the
> ols stuff.
> John


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Michael Echemann

Re: Re: New door area seam seal mouldings from Hugh. How to install??

Just checked mine and it seems both are the same moulding. They look nice
anyway so I hope the are. The package is clear. I wonder why hugh would
have two different types and not make sure anyone buying them got a matching

These amphi parts are getting expensive. I always tried to keep stuff on
hand even extra's since I know at somepoint I will use it and it'not going
to get cheaper. I seem to alway have a car around which may need something.

I'll try and get you some info on prices. I've had so many since your last
update that I couldn't be exact on what, where , who and how much I sold
them for but I can offer you the price ranges. It does fluctuate with
season somewhat and it's not as active as it was about a year or year and a
half ago. At one time any amphi which was on four wheels seem to bring 12
to 15K on ebay but that cooled off. Nice cars now are the ones people seem
to be stepping up for while average ones have really not advance all that
much. Just some thought.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Israel" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [amphicar-lovers] Re: New door area seam seal mouldings from
Hugh. How to install??

> Bingo, that is indeed what happened. I checked the
> second one this evening and it has the correct
> molding. Both bags have the same part number and the
> clips, just different parts inside.
> I was starting to think I had lost my mind or that
> Hugh had come up with real Rube Goldberg solution. If
> you do get the right molding it is a nice replacement
> part. My one door seam looks great!
> Thanks for the post. If anyone else picked up these
> moldings at Celina you may want to check what is
> inside the plastic bags.
> Mike I.
> --- a_colo_native <> wrote:
> > Mike,
> >
> > It sounds like you may have one of the bags that has
> > the seal for the
> > rear horizontal bumpers. I noticed that there were a
> > couple of those
> > with the chrome clips mistakenly taped to them
> > instead of the U
> > channel for the doors. The new channel should look
> > identical to the
> > ols stuff.
> >
> > John
> >
> >
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