I have the tranny back together, it all fit well and assembled easily.
While reviewing how to connect the shift linkage back together, I
noticed that the shaft that enters the tranny has a divit which is
used to secure the piece that will connect to the shifer shaft below.
The position of the tranny shaft will not allow me to rotate to the
correct position for final assembly and adjustment.
If I am reading everything right, the tranny cover must be removed
again so that this shift lever may be adjusted before assembly of the
front cover so that the divit is at 12 o'clock.
Is there any other way to move this shaft to the correct position
before I start the tear down?
Marty in WI
While reviewing how to connect the shift linkage back together, I
noticed that the shaft that enters the tranny has a divit which is
used to secure the piece that will connect to the shifer shaft below.
The position of the tranny shaft will not allow me to rotate to the
correct position for final assembly and adjustment.
If I am reading everything right, the tranny cover must be removed
again so that this shift lever may be adjusted before assembly of the
front cover so that the divit is at 12 o'clock.
Is there any other way to move this shaft to the correct position
before I start the tear down?
Marty in WI