Cap''n John
Yes, there is Amphicar content!
Denny, (co-worker/friend) and I left about 8AM as the weather was to
be in the low 70's (usually 95-100+). By far the best weather in my
12 years of attending. PERFECT! So we left my house to the Mecca for
all Harley riders -STURGIS, S. Dakota!. My bike was running great. In
fact, Denny had difficulty keeping up with me getting on the hiway.
Not bad for a loaded sidecar rig with a windshield against a nice
shovel stroker! We kept the pace at 75 - 80+ MPH. Whenever we came
upon a semi to pass, I would drop down a gear, roll on the throttle
and ZOOM ZOOM! I was around him. Much better than in years past. At
one point I decided to turn up the fun dial to 11 for a short time.
Ran her on up to 105 for grins! WOO HOO!!
Then 22 miles South of Lusk, Wy (190 miles from home) on Hiway 85 -
BARF! P-too-ee, engine dies, 4 qts of fresh oil and pieces of my
pistons spews out the exhaust right into Denny's face. Luckily he had
his helmet with a face shield so he was not injured or burned. He
probably has a bruise from the (probable) piston chunk that hit his
leg. We pulled over and did the obligatory autopsy. After confirming
that this was indeed a fatal injury, Denny rode into Lusk in search
of help. He located a empty trailer and conned the guy into helping.
Wes (with the trailer) came out and loaded my bike and took us back
to Lusk all within an hour. I then called Thunder Mountain HD (Ft.
Collins, Co) and reminded them that they said to ride it 'till it
dies. Then they'll come and get me. True to their word and without
any hesitation, they were there in 2 1/2 hours (190 miles)!
I spent the rest of the weekend mourning the loss and working on the
Amphicar. I got quite a bit done too. She is looking real good and
better day by day. I did manage to salvage my old rust encrusted
heater cables. They are installed and work great now.
John Bevins
Denny, (co-worker/friend) and I left about 8AM as the weather was to
be in the low 70's (usually 95-100+). By far the best weather in my
12 years of attending. PERFECT! So we left my house to the Mecca for
all Harley riders -STURGIS, S. Dakota!. My bike was running great. In
fact, Denny had difficulty keeping up with me getting on the hiway.
Not bad for a loaded sidecar rig with a windshield against a nice
shovel stroker! We kept the pace at 75 - 80+ MPH. Whenever we came
upon a semi to pass, I would drop down a gear, roll on the throttle
and ZOOM ZOOM! I was around him. Much better than in years past. At
one point I decided to turn up the fun dial to 11 for a short time.
Ran her on up to 105 for grins! WOO HOO!!
Then 22 miles South of Lusk, Wy (190 miles from home) on Hiway 85 -
BARF! P-too-ee, engine dies, 4 qts of fresh oil and pieces of my
pistons spews out the exhaust right into Denny's face. Luckily he had
his helmet with a face shield so he was not injured or burned. He
probably has a bruise from the (probable) piston chunk that hit his
leg. We pulled over and did the obligatory autopsy. After confirming
that this was indeed a fatal injury, Denny rode into Lusk in search
of help. He located a empty trailer and conned the guy into helping.
Wes (with the trailer) came out and loaded my bike and took us back
to Lusk all within an hour. I then called Thunder Mountain HD (Ft.
Collins, Co) and reminded them that they said to ride it 'till it
dies. Then they'll come and get me. True to their word and without
any hesitation, they were there in 2 1/2 hours (190 miles)!
I spent the rest of the weekend mourning the loss and working on the
Amphicar. I got quite a bit done too. She is looking real good and
better day by day. I did manage to salvage my old rust encrusted
heater cables. They are installed and work great now.
John Bevins