I think I have an idea for a Celina Amphi game.
Been kicking this around on the Monday chat
room for awhile and decided NOW is the time
to post it. The game is called Bilge Pump Limbo
or "BPL" for short.
In essence we gather 2 classes of Amphicars -
One is the stock bilge pump class, the other is
the non-stock bilge pump class. For the non-
stock class - ANYTHING mounted goes!
Each class then allows its Amphis to consume
a few gallons of water (Amphi owner may also
consume beverage of choice). Then all of
the participating Amphis from each of the
two classes (stock & non-stock) line up in
rows in the parking lot (Eagles Lodge is good),
where each owner fires off a few squirts of
bilge water. The distance of the squirts are
marked and the farthest squirting 10 Amphis
proceed to round 2. More water is acquired
by each surviving Amphi (more beverage of
choice by each surviving owner). In round
2 the owners are required to limbo dance
under their respective Amphi bilge water
fountains (good reason to clean out the old
bilge area beforehand). Of course music
will be playing and everyone will get huge
laughs. If by chance any owners manage to
stay dry they will be ushered into round 3
(more Amphi and owner beverage consumption)
where the Bilge Pump Limbo is performed
blindfolded. I can't envision more than one
winner in each class (but I could easily invent
a 4th round contest if needed) so the winners
would then be awarded their prize(s). Perhaps
some dry Celina 2001 Amphicar t-shirts would
make nice prizes.
Here is where I ask if the Bilge Pump Limbo (aka
BPL) game is too outrageous ??? Are there any
suggestions on rule variations and/or prizes ???
Comments welcome. Thanks.
`64 Turquoise
Insane D-Eggo, CA
Okay, okay, it's not THAT serious of a posting,
but compared to my average posting it's a start.
Been kicking this around on the Monday chat
room for awhile and decided NOW is the time
to post it. The game is called Bilge Pump Limbo
or "BPL" for short.
In essence we gather 2 classes of Amphicars -
One is the stock bilge pump class, the other is
the non-stock bilge pump class. For the non-
stock class - ANYTHING mounted goes!
Each class then allows its Amphis to consume
a few gallons of water (Amphi owner may also
consume beverage of choice). Then all of
the participating Amphis from each of the
two classes (stock & non-stock) line up in
rows in the parking lot (Eagles Lodge is good),
where each owner fires off a few squirts of
bilge water. The distance of the squirts are
marked and the farthest squirting 10 Amphis
proceed to round 2. More water is acquired
by each surviving Amphi (more beverage of
choice by each surviving owner). In round
2 the owners are required to limbo dance
under their respective Amphi bilge water
fountains (good reason to clean out the old
bilge area beforehand). Of course music
will be playing and everyone will get huge
laughs. If by chance any owners manage to
stay dry they will be ushered into round 3
(more Amphi and owner beverage consumption)
where the Bilge Pump Limbo is performed
blindfolded. I can't envision more than one
winner in each class (but I could easily invent
a 4th round contest if needed) so the winners
would then be awarded their prize(s). Perhaps
some dry Celina 2001 Amphicar t-shirts would
make nice prizes.
Here is where I ask if the Bilge Pump Limbo (aka
BPL) game is too outrageous ??? Are there any
suggestions on rule variations and/or prizes ???
Comments welcome. Thanks.
`64 Turquoise
Insane D-Eggo, CA
Okay, okay, it's not THAT serious of a posting,
but compared to my average posting it's a start.