Mt. Dora


Ray Handloser

Can someone tell me when the Mt. Dora show is? I'll be back in
Florida the last two weeks in March & would like to go again. Ray

--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "Ray Handloser" <rayhand@y...> wrote:
> Can someone tell me when the Mt. Dora show is? I'll be back in
> Florida the last two weeks in March & would like to go again. Ray

I found this on ...

March 23-25th: 4th Annual Winter Southeast Amphicar Swim in Mt. Dora,

Bill Connelly

> Can someone tell me when the Mt. Dora show is? I'll be back in
> Florida the last two weeks in March & would like to go again. Ray

Details on the above and other events of interest to Amphicar owners can be
found on the Club's 'Events Calendar' at

The excerpt on the Mt. Dora gathering reads as follows (Please visit the
actual page to view live links):

March 23-25th: 4th Annual Winter Southeast Amphicar Swim in Mt. Dora,
Florida. Held in conjuction with the Antique and Classic Boat Society boat
and "woody" classic cars shows. This year the parade and "splash-in" has
been expanded...Saturday night dinner, prizes, night cruise. Hosted by Dave
and Greg Monier. Please call Dave 352-726-4577 or Greg 352-621-1299 with
questions. Host hotel in the Inn on the Green at 800-935-2935. To browse a
big directory of photos and downloadable films of last year's Mt. Dora
shindig, please click here.



With respect to Mt. Dora:

Is there a hotel where the Amphi people are staying?

Is there a plan to meet other Amphi people at a time/place?

Chris Skeeles
63 Red

Bill Connelly

With respect to Mt. Dora:

Is there a hotel where the Amphi people are staying?

Is there a plan to meet other Amphi people at a time/place?

Chris Skeeles
63 Red


See the Club's Events Calendar at .


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The same day I posted this message, I got my two back issue's of the
Club newsletter in the mail. :) :) :) Along with it came a flyer
about Mt. Dora. Looks fun!

--- In amphicar-lovers@y..., "Bill Connelly" <billiam@e...> wrote:
> With respect to Mt. Dora:
> Is there a hotel where the Amphi people are staying?
> Is there a plan to meet other Amphi people at a time/place?
> Chris Skeeles
> 63 Red
> =========
> See the Club's Events Calendar at .
> ~Bilgey~
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Ray Handloser

Both Chris & I really enjoyed the time we spent at the boat show this
year. The weather was great on Friday & Saturday. Except for one
ill-timed splash in, everything was great. Now its back to Michigan
until next fall. We'll see everyone in Celina & Mt. Dora next March. Ray


I'd like to get a list of all the people that attended the swim-in in Mt.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Ray Handloser

Chris & I were there. Ray

--- In, "Robert" <rjv@d...> wrote:
> I'd like to get a list of all the people that attended the swim-in
in Mt.
> Dora.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Ray Handloser

I was at Grantham Point this morning. The construction material & the
construction equipment used in making the new docks to the left of the
boat ramp are gone. It looks like they are ready for us. Ray

Robert Vondracek

It will be difficult missing this one! I went down to Mt. Dora last year
pulling my car on a Not So Big trailer. I met my dad, who lives in St Pete,
and we did the swim-in and hit lots of water on the interior of Florida. The
whole trip was a blast.

I often look at the video that I shot of all the Amphis (except mine)
showing off in a group water entry. I figured that having the video would be
the most fun. Next year I'll make it down there, and I will really enjoy
getting to know everyone. If anyone wants a disc of that video, let me know.

There will be at least one NSB trailer there, possibly two. Gibson's and
maybe Laux's. Check them out. I'll probably fly next year, but I will be
happy to credit the cost of thee flight to the cost of delivery of a NSB

Tommy from Tampa will also be showing off his new NSB dipsticks. Now
everyone at the Mt. Dora swim-in can see how easy it can be to check the
engine and tranny oil. I'll bet that Hans had the idea first, but the budget
had to be met.

Not So Big Trailer Company, LLC
Rob Vondracek
'64 red, REDFISH

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Grandpa Wave and I were treated so great. It was a most excellent time.
Canada Gord was the first one we met, and his good hearted jokes set the
pace for the weekend. Thanks for letting me drive your Amphi. His room
looked like a swap meet. A constant flow of people going in and out with
their newly bought treasure. Friday we missed the main parade but met
with The Parsons as they arrived. So we got a private jungle cruise. Then
off to the boat show. Lots of hugs and hand shakes. Sun and fun. I had to
become Gord Souter to "sneak" into private food and booze party. Which
really screwed some people up. They knew my face but new name threw them
off. Saturday was perfect weather and a continuation of great times.
Saturday we all met at a Golden Corral. The Reiners from Michigan
received their Amphi model from Grandpa Wave. Tampa Tommy was surprised
to receive an Amphi model too. We all have heard Hugh Gordon tell stories
but when Mrs. Gordon (I cant remember how to spell her fist name!) Told a
story, She was laughing so hard it made everyone else bust out. I hope
that made it to video. Then off to a moonlight cruise. Thanks to everyone
there. To the ones who helped organize to the ones who showed up, it made
our weekend fabulous. Thanks again Dave the Wave

David Derer

Grand Pa Wave wants me to head to Florida, Cigar Guy wants to head to
Florida, Margie printed air fares, she wants me to head to Florida,
Getting brrrr cold I want to go to Florida. Bilge it! I am going! Hey
Doug Parsons, one more time-if the snooty ones hassle us will kick their
bilge plugs out and feed their brass monkey balls to the gators! Later
Dave the Wave

Robert Vondracek

Doug Parsons is thinking about purchasing the new design NSB trailer. The
only way that it will work is if I pull the trailer and his car to Mt. Dora.
I am willing to do that, but I need passengers that are willing the share
part of the expenses. I would be willing to drive straight through if
someone wants to. I would pick his car up from his place near Celina. If
anyone is interested, please call me 219-405-1241 ASAP as this has to be
worked out in the next day or so.

Rob Vondracek

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Robert Vondracek

I am interested in picking-up your Amphicar, delivering to Mt. Dora, and
delivering it back to your home. You can fly, I'll drive! Any location that
is close to "on the way" from NW Indiana.

I am willing to do it for less than expected as I want to show my newest NSB
trailer that is only $2395.

If interested, call me at 219-405-1241, or e-mail me at my address, By the way, my e-mail has been fixed and is

One passenger is going with me, Robert Wright. There is still lots of room.

Robert "Search and Rescue" Vondracek

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Rob Vondracek

Saturday, March 25, is the first swim-in of ' 06. John Lambert and I will
be driving there from Chicago in my SUV. If anyone wants to buy a trailer,
and have me pickup your car and you and haul it there. Then after the fun,
haul it back to your house. I'll consider a location a bit out of the
way.....but please don't tell me that you

Think about going to Mt. Dora along with your car very affordably.

All Things Amphicar
Robert Vondracek

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Rob Vondracek

Going to the swim-in mostly for fun, will show my new Aluminum trailer, and
will pick up the project car that I bought near West Palm Beach and haul it
back to Valparaiso. It is at Ray Handloser's now.

I am looking for someone (a guy preferably) that wants to join me for a free
ride and a free room. I don't want to drive alone!

All Things Amphicar
Robert Vondracek

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