Amphicar Expert
Only 1 week to show time!
My house is full but there are good motels near by, Parking can be at my place or Mike/Dave's place
I Know Herb D,Bill F. Bob with 2 B's, Chuck Chuck, and Ron G are coming down, Maybe John B
Plus all us snowbirds already here!
WE have had Many days in the 80s already and my pool is at 86* so bring a bathing suit!
Thursday March 27th I am planning a large mystery swim ending with a dinner out then
at 6.30 if your interested were off to the ORANGE BLOOSUM OPERY in Wiersdale to a evening of (open mike) singing, with back up from there fantastic house band. And yes I am book in to sing(we are aloud 2 songs)
This lasts till after 10pm.This place seats about 300 people and is always full. I will go up and get some advance tickets($9.)
Friday Dave has the day planned.. Fill them in Dave...
Saturday is at the Mt Dora boat Ramp and swimming all day.
Sunday is open house at my home/shop with a full brunch being served at 10 am.and Swimming in the pool(no car swimming)There are boat ramps near by in the lakes...Pic of Me gringing a Amphi, no it won't be ready fpr swim in but all panels are welded on now!
My house is full but there are good motels near by, Parking can be at my place or Mike/Dave's place
I Know Herb D,Bill F. Bob with 2 B's, Chuck Chuck, and Ron G are coming down, Maybe John B
Plus all us snowbirds already here!
WE have had Many days in the 80s already and my pool is at 86* so bring a bathing suit!
Thursday March 27th I am planning a large mystery swim ending with a dinner out then
at 6.30 if your interested were off to the ORANGE BLOOSUM OPERY in Wiersdale to a evening of (open mike) singing, with back up from there fantastic house band. And yes I am book in to sing(we are aloud 2 songs)
This lasts till after 10pm.This place seats about 300 people and is always full. I will go up and get some advance tickets($9.)
Friday Dave has the day planned.. Fill them in Dave...
Saturday is at the Mt Dora boat Ramp and swimming all day.
Sunday is open house at my home/shop with a full brunch being served at 10 am.and Swimming in the pool(no car swimming)There are boat ramps near by in the lakes...Pic of Me gringing a Amphi, no it won't be ready fpr swim in but all panels are welded on now!
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