In response to Sully's message below and subsequent postings by others, I
would only point out that I am NO authority on Amphicar engines. That
mantle properly rests on the shoulders of the likes of David Chapman. His
"Amphicar Engine Information" webpage at
remains the most comprehensive description of the Triumph Herald engine, the
1147 cc variant of same used in the Amphicar, and modifications needed to
make other variations on the Herald engine work in an Amphi.
In addition to the above webpage, for a nice knowledgeable review of the
whole run of Triumph four-bangers of all sizes, please see "Be a Triumph
4-cylinder expert" at
In view of their importance, links to both of the abovementioned pages and
more Amphi-tech stuff can always be found on the Club's "Restoration" page
On the matter of using the larger Triumph engines such as the 1500cc instead
of the original 1147cc, having briefly tried a 1500, I can tell you
firsthand that while it may not push you through the water any quicker
(owing to some theose pesky laws of physics it'll simply throw up a higher
water plume), it surely DOES makes one's ride much peppier on land. The
down side of the larger engines are comparatively atrocious gas mileage
(Hugh Gordon, who has a 1500 in his car quotes something like 18 mpg in
"normal" use...slightly better on highways (this versus the 30-34 mpg I get
with my standard). Overheating, carburation, vapor lock and other gremlins,
though usually solveable with patience, are another oft-mentioned drawback
to the bigger engines.
As a side note, some of the German Club members use some kind of German Opel
engines to good effect, though I haven't many details on this. Perhaps when
some of their folks visit Celina in July we'll learn more.
Hello all amphicar lovers
IM new on this list But I have a 64 Red Amphicar. Soon to be a swimmer
What I have heard is that a Trympth Herald engine would work in the
Does anyone know for sure and which one does it take