Message to newbies...

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Its been a half year since this was
mentioned and having learned the hard
way... I thought I'd remind all and
inform the newly amphibious hord about
Amphipoda's 9th commandment:

"Thou shalt halt thy rear wheels BEFORE
engaging thy propellers."

Reason being is the water transmission
will powder itself if the rear wheels
are spinning, even a little spin will
shear gear teeth when trying to engage
the propellers. Repairs costs can
range from a few hundred to a few
thousand dollars. The labor involved
can also be rather extensive.

Simple "rule of fin" - whenever
you reach for the propeller level,
always have your foot on the brakes!
This includes props forward or reverse.

Brought to by the Amphibious Preservation
Society and...

'64 Turquoise
San Diego