It must be the fact that we are dealing with an Amphicar. Why is it
anytime the media does a story on these vehicle, that they almost
always get the facts wrong.
May I refer you to article:
(if url above does not work, then go to philly.com inquirer and
search for amphicar)
Not only did they suggest that Billy has (and I am quoting here)
"run his turquoise rarity aground before - in Lake Erie and in the
Potomac, Hudson and Cuyahoga Rivers" they also claim I drove "IN" my
63 Amphicar the 9 hours to New Jersey. (yeah right, do I look like
Bilgey?) I had it on my trailer.
Now I know Bill Syx is known for is "adventures", but come on...
Chris Skeeles
Canton, Ohio
anytime the media does a story on these vehicle, that they almost
always get the facts wrong.
May I refer you to article:
(if url above does not work, then go to philly.com inquirer and
search for amphicar)
Not only did they suggest that Billy has (and I am quoting here)
"run his turquoise rarity aground before - in Lake Erie and in the
Potomac, Hudson and Cuyahoga Rivers" they also claim I drove "IN" my
63 Amphicar the 9 hours to New Jersey. (yeah right, do I look like
Bilgey?) I had it on my trailer.
Now I know Bill Syx is known for is "adventures", but come on...
Chris Skeeles
Canton, Ohio