May 15th Swim In


David Derer

A Florida Amphi is now registered for Ride the Wave with Dave. It will
be neat that we can take river almost to Rockford Airport front door.
Thats were I will be picking up Grandpa Wave. It is pretty cool to
think about how many people are putting in lots of energy to come and
play. First Swim in was four cars, between full and partial registration
31. Plus the others. More states than I ever imagined. Later Dave the

Larry & Nancy Solheim

OK! You have us excited. Between your emails and the
enthusiasm you & GP Wave exhibited at Mt Dora, we're
going to make every effort to organize this
cross-country "wander" and make it to your place by
the 13th or 14th. Besides, Nancy needs more GP Wave

I'll give you a call, or drop me a note off group to
tell us where to go (quite an invitation, eh?). After
Celina 2002 we stayed in your yard and drove to the
river, so do not know where campground & other venues
are located.

Looking forward to it!

--Larry, Nancy & Amphi

--- David Derer <> wrote:
> A Florida Amphi is now registered for Ride the Wave
> with Dave. It will
> be neat that we can take river almost to Rockford
> Airport front door.
> Thats were I will be picking up Grandpa Wave. It is
> pretty cool to
> think about how many people are putting in lots of
> energy to come and
> play. First Swim in was four cars, between full and
> partial registration
> 31. Plus the others. More states than I ever
> imagined. Later Dave the
> Wave

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