Looking for a reasonably priced swimmer


Jody Vaclav

Hi all,
I'm new to this group ... but maybe someone can help me. I've decided
that I'm not getting any younger and that I should, at the very least, try
to obtain the things that I've wanted all of my life. I first fell in love
with the Amphicar when I was in grade school ... and my love for them hasn't
diminshed with age. Now I'm looking for a reasonably priced Amphicar to have
of my own. I'm willing to tow a good one back from anywhere in the country
... if it can be obtained. I presently live on a 50' sailboat in Marina del
Rey, CA and think that owning an Amphicar would be the most fantastic thing
that I could do for myself. (better than diamonds !!)
If anyone knows of one that is looking for a good home...............
e-mail me. Thanks for your help!!

Ms. Jody Vaclav
Special Services Manager
Lighting Design Alliance
562-989-3843 Fax 562-989-3847