Land Tranny Leaks


John Friese


I once had the land tranny leak out a bunch of it's oil and found that
the side cover plate had worked it's way loose. Fixing that was a
simple matter of tightening up the cover bolts. Some leakage at the
water tranny shafts is common and probably the best thing to do about
it is to put a bit of non-hardening gasket seal on the shafts when you
put the water tranny together. I've always found that the shifter
shafts leak a bit even with new rubber around them. It's not too much
though and heck it protects the bottom anyway.

John Friese
67 White
67 Red

--- In, Ken 'KD' Roy <kdroy@...> wrote:
> Where can I buy one of these performance clutches?
> I have the engine/tranny out of my 67 right now, so I might as well
reolace it.
> The land tranny leaked all of it's oil into the bilge, but the water
tranny looks OK. However, the water tranny appears to have oil coming
out of the 'shaft plugs?' at the end of the tranny.
> That otta be fun to troubleshoot & fix.
> Till later.....Ken Roy