Lake Of The Ozarks September 27 weekend

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
Summer may be over:012: up North but not at Lake of the Ozarks:005:. Call Alhonna to reserve Your room/cabin. 573 365 2634. We have some fun planned and of course some fun not planned. Poker run with the AC Cobra club, Off shore boat races, etc.... Later Dave the Wave:dft003:

Remember Winter Sucks


Active Member

I've got my reservations and hope to see a lot of the Eastern gang that us Californians rare get to see. I'll be bringing my White Amphicar again. Last year was a blast. Good times should be had by all.

John Friese
67 White
67 Red

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
He he he he, We are planning some fun day trips. 14 miles of lake and 8 stops. Some with names like Docknockers, Bambooze, and Horny Toad. hmmmmm. Brian C just might do the T shirts. I am leaving today to get the huggies ordered. Now all I need is a tow vehicle and an Amphi that runs for two days in a row!! Later Dave the Wave

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
This may be Your only WARNING> If You want a t shirt, You must let Me know by Tuesday!!! We are not making extras. And yes We are still thinking of delighting the Bar Maids!. Later Dave the Wave

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
Always "on " Roger is revving up for Ozarks. I am trying to get a tow vehicle, the 'Vette is just a bit under rated for this. Roger is begging for cars and not just lookie lous. (A Minnesota term!). So now I need to get My Amphi use able and down there. Club will be buying the root beer for Dave Chapman! Kamakazi Ken will be doing his crawdad stew. Brian Crombie is doing the finishing touches on T shirts. We hope to arrive there very late Wednesday. Later Dave the Wave


Amphicar Expert
After reading the reports of last years Ozarks meet I said "gotta do it" - so I am...

4000 miles in the air, about 400 on the road and of course that "special" welcome that US Immigration reserve for us "aliens" !

So, what excuse have you guys a lot closer to Missouri got ? Go on, be there, will be a blast !

David C in the UK


Active Member
David C,

Very cool to have you coming all this way. We had a blast last year and expect to repeat it again. Look forward to seeing you there.

John Friese
67 White
67 Red


New Member
I'll miss the event this year. Between moving and school I just
can't manage the time off. Its always been a very good time so
hopefully somebody else that hasn't been can drive whatever car Roger
always loans me.


On Sep 2, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Midwest Amphicar wrote:

> Always "on " Roger is revving up for Ozarks. I am trying to get a
> tow vehicle, the 'Vette is just a bit under rated for this. Roger
> is begging for cars and not just lookie lous. (A Minnesota term!).
> So now I need to get My Amphi use able and down there. Club will be
> buying the root beer for Dave Chapman! Kamakazi Ken will be doing
> his crawdad stew. Brian Crombie is doing the finishing touches on T
> shirts. We hope to arrive there very late Wednesday. Later Dave the
> Wave