If you mean `me' as president, then I'm not prepared to sanctum such
activity unless there is a way to discern hoodlum looters from those
desperate for food, water and needed medication. On the other hand,
if you see someone hauling a DVD player out of Walmart feel free to
send them a shot over the bow. But you probably mean the real
commander and chief ? GW Bush?
Dave & All,
Regarding a club donation, monetary or otherwise, I believe until we
get handle on who among our amphibious community is affected we, as
individuals, should concentrate our charitable efforts toward primary
care givers like the Salvation Army and the Red Cross.
The IAOC financial resources are rather limited. However, given the
scope and gravity of the disaster, perhaps a focused fund raiser for
Katrina stricken IAOC club members could be done in conjunction with
some IAOC matching funds. Note this would take several months as it
would require publication in the newsletter and time to receive
donations. Does this sound like a logical compromise and a worthy
endeavor? Note that it would require IAOC Board approval as well.
I'm open to other suggestion too. I'm trying to find out which IAOC
members have been affected and need help. Please email me off list
if you have such info.
Be well, swim safe.
John E. (Amphipoda)
Prez of the IAOC
--- In amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com, "Joe Biscone" <princejb@c...>
> perhaps we shoud get permission from our president to mount 50 cals
> our amphi's to help protect the gulf coast as self-
appointed 'protectors'
> of the people and hope we do as good a job a the minutemen on our
> borders??
> joe b
If you mean `me' as president, then I'm not prepared to sanctum such
activity unless there is a way to discern hoodlum looters from those
desperate for food, water and needed medication. On the other hand,
if you see someone hauling a DVD player out of Walmart feel free to
send them a shot over the bow. But you probably mean the real
commander and chief ? GW Bush?
Dave & All,
Regarding a club donation, monetary or otherwise, I believe until we
get handle on who among our amphibious community is affected we, as
individuals, should concentrate our charitable efforts toward primary
care givers like the Salvation Army and the Red Cross.
The IAOC financial resources are rather limited. However, given the
scope and gravity of the disaster, perhaps a focused fund raiser for
Katrina stricken IAOC club members could be done in conjunction with
some IAOC matching funds. Note this would take several months as it
would require publication in the newsletter and time to receive
donations. Does this sound like a logical compromise and a worthy
endeavor? Note that it would require IAOC Board approval as well.
I'm open to other suggestion too. I'm trying to find out which IAOC
members have been affected and need help. Please email me off list
if you have such info.
Be well, swim safe.
John E. (Amphipoda)
Prez of the IAOC
--- In amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com, "Joe Biscone" <princejb@c...>
> perhaps we shoud get permission from our president to mount 50 cals
> our amphi's to help protect the gulf coast as self-
appointed 'protectors'
> of the people and hope we do as good a job a the minutemen on our
> borders??
> joe b