If you think Celina was fun, you've got to try Put-in-Bay (PIB). The
most fun we've ever had with Amphi. PIB is located on South
Bass Island, in Lake Erie. Really nice place, nice people, great
food, and on and on.....
Some highlights of our visit:
Crossing Lake Erie on our own (We don't need no stinking Ferry!);
Getting soaked, but not having any problems; Giving rides until 3AM;
People just kept putting money in the cup on the dash; Coast Guard
taking pictures of Amphi in the bay; Neat little shops, kind of like
Lake George; breathtaking view of the town from the bay at night....
I'll get in to more specifics at another time. What I want to do here
is introduce the idea to everyone of a pre-Celina trip to PIB in 2002.
It would be Mon.-Wed. For those who are not ready to deal with
crossing the Lake (it's not for the feint at heart) there is a Ferry
which runs to the island every half hour, from Catawba Island (which
is really a pininsula). For the rest of us, be prepared to get
splashed. We have become friends with the owners of the Park Hotel
and Nick told us that Lynn could get us group rates for hotels on the
Island. They do this for other car clubs as well. The bay itself is
well sheltered from the winds, etc. from the Lake. PIB is one of
those places you fall in love with. From there, it's easy to access
the other islands in the area. Generally, they are not as "party"
oriented as PIB.
Let me know what you think.
BTW: Ginger had the time of her life on the trip! As soon as we got
home she laid down on her cusion and hasn't moved much since.
most fun we've ever had with Amphi. PIB is located on South
Bass Island, in Lake Erie. Really nice place, nice people, great
food, and on and on.....
Some highlights of our visit:
Crossing Lake Erie on our own (We don't need no stinking Ferry!);
Getting soaked, but not having any problems; Giving rides until 3AM;
People just kept putting money in the cup on the dash; Coast Guard
taking pictures of Amphi in the bay; Neat little shops, kind of like
Lake George; breathtaking view of the town from the bay at night....
I'll get in to more specifics at another time. What I want to do here
is introduce the idea to everyone of a pre-Celina trip to PIB in 2002.
It would be Mon.-Wed. For those who are not ready to deal with
crossing the Lake (it's not for the feint at heart) there is a Ferry
which runs to the island every half hour, from Catawba Island (which
is really a pininsula). For the rest of us, be prepared to get
splashed. We have become friends with the owners of the Park Hotel
and Nick told us that Lynn could get us group rates for hotels on the
Island. They do this for other car clubs as well. The bay itself is
well sheltered from the winds, etc. from the Lake. PIB is one of
those places you fall in love with. From there, it's easy to access
the other islands in the area. Generally, they are not as "party"
oriented as PIB.
Let me know what you think.
BTW: Ginger had the time of her life on the trip! As soon as we got
home she laid down on her cusion and hasn't moved much since.