I received my new correct mirrors Friday eve. So I installed them.
Then finished doing the fuel gage and installation. Saturday morning
I was in the garage when the Fed-Ex guy shows up with a box from
Sweden. WOO HOO! That is my original AM/FM/SW/Marine band Blaupunkt
with ivory knobs I have been looking for, for some time now. It is
now installed but I need to get some good marine speakers and finish
the under seat dissapperaing CD changer which plays through the
antenna lead and be 10% invisible.
Yesterday I took my sister who has never been in the Amphicar
Extraordinaire out for a swim. She's a screamer! When we left my
house, I locked the water locks and had the plug in already in prep
for the "Grand Entry". I made a left and headed down the ramp at
about 30, Jenny is loudly repeating "Oh MY GOD, OH MY GOD!..." as we
made a big splash! I am still laughing about that! We were out for
about 5 hours. We did some ice breaking while we were out there. The
ice was very soft and easy to pass through. What fun!
Last night the Butler's Amphicar was last seen heading into the night
on her way to her new owner Jim Davis in upstate NY.
>>>Hey John is that next car your getting that "hidden" one I told you
Dave - Nope, I made the call but never got a return call of any kind,
so I figured it was not available. This one found me as they usually
do. I sold Butler on Sunday and bought the new on in Georgia on
Friday! This brings me to my next point.
Is there anyone in the Columbus, Ohio area that can babysit an Amphi
until mid to end of April? I plan on comming to get it as soon as my
nephew takes delivery of his new truck. Seems when he gets a new
truck, we always make a road trip and pick up an Amphicar someplace!
John "Got marine band now" Bevins
Then finished doing the fuel gage and installation. Saturday morning
I was in the garage when the Fed-Ex guy shows up with a box from
Sweden. WOO HOO! That is my original AM/FM/SW/Marine band Blaupunkt
with ivory knobs I have been looking for, for some time now. It is
now installed but I need to get some good marine speakers and finish
the under seat dissapperaing CD changer which plays through the
antenna lead and be 10% invisible.
Yesterday I took my sister who has never been in the Amphicar
Extraordinaire out for a swim. She's a screamer! When we left my
house, I locked the water locks and had the plug in already in prep
for the "Grand Entry". I made a left and headed down the ramp at
about 30, Jenny is loudly repeating "Oh MY GOD, OH MY GOD!..." as we
made a big splash! I am still laughing about that! We were out for
about 5 hours. We did some ice breaking while we were out there. The
ice was very soft and easy to pass through. What fun!
Last night the Butler's Amphicar was last seen heading into the night
on her way to her new owner Jim Davis in upstate NY.
>>>Hey John is that next car your getting that "hidden" one I told you
Dave - Nope, I made the call but never got a return call of any kind,
so I figured it was not available. This one found me as they usually
do. I sold Butler on Sunday and bought the new on in Georgia on
Friday! This brings me to my next point.
Is there anyone in the Columbus, Ohio area that can babysit an Amphi
until mid to end of April? I plan on comming to get it as soon as my
nephew takes delivery of his new truck. Seems when he gets a new
truck, we always make a road trip and pick up an Amphicar someplace!
John "Got marine band now" Bevins