> I posted about needs, wants, and desires about schematics within my
> website and not one single response. Humf? I am trying to create a
> website that has as much technical information on it as possible. I
> am doing it for you, so you must tell me what your needs are before I
> can meet them. SO wazzup?
> John
Cap'n John:
I wouldn't interpret that crashing silence of keyboards as disinterest if I
were you. I've read and re-read your original posting, and I suspect it's
rather more akin to Einstein's asking folks on the bus if they thought that
"C", though stressing the co-valence of wave form light, might better be
replaced with a simple "L" for "Light", such that E=ML2. I'm sure that
most folks simply have confidence that whatever you come up with will be for
the best. As for my preference, half-informed as I am on a good day, I
might prefer an integrated general AND specific layout option similar to
that which with you offer at
I know it's double the work, but hey...you asked.
As for your dearth of hits on your site at present, that certainly has to do
with the fact that it doesn't have the "placement visibility" it deserves.
That will certainly change as the Club page's "Restoration" link is revised
to point to a page of actual restoration resources: info, services, a Q&A
guestbook type thing monitored by the Wave Twins, Billy Syx and Dave Derer,
and so on. It's pretty obvious your tech and systems stuff should feature
For other readers' ready reference, to perhaps elicit a few additional
comments, I am reproducing your original posting just below.
With all I have going on (20 diferent states so far this year) I have
not had as much time to work on the interactive schematic for my
website as I would like. I haven't even had the time to do anything
on the Amphi for over a month now.
What I need from all of you is some input.
How would you like to see it presented?
Maybe a clickable map where you click on a lamp or switch and a
picture will be displayed with the corresponding wiring color codes
and location. OR a pictorial list of switches, lamps and such with
the corresponding information.... or?
If you have any other ideas or suggestions I am open to all, good or
bad. This project will take me some time as I am doing it in my
"spare" time (whatever *that* is!)
If you have anything else that you would like to see on my site,
PLEASE let me know so I can plan for it. We have a great thing going
here (and for free! free! free! thanks to Amsoil and the
Bildgemaster) so we should make the most of it. Your input is needed
so the site can be useful to all. I average only 3 or 4 hits per day,
so something is lacking. Help me out here.
Cap'n John