"AMPHICAR: It drives, it swims, it's the Amphicar. Dan Borgman gets all sorts
of weird looks when he drives his amphibious car into the water. Nearly 40,000
of the swimming compacts where built during the early '60's in Germany but only
about 500 remain..."
Came off the Cincinatti tower - www.datacastnews.com @11:52
mail2web - Check your email from the web at
http://mail2web.com/ .
of weird looks when he drives his amphibious car into the water. Nearly 40,000
of the swimming compacts where built during the early '60's in Germany but only
about 500 remain..."
Came off the Cincinatti tower - www.datacastnews.com @11:52
mail2web - Check your email from the web at
http://mail2web.com/ .