In shock


<font FACE="arial,helvetica"><font SIZE="2">I too am shocked. I cannot believe this can happen to the US</font>

Cap''n John

Non Amphi related....

I pray and hope that everyone in NY is OK safe and sound. Please say
a prayer for all those who lost thier lives in NY. I can't help but
shed tears for all those victims.

Craig Taylor

I second that John. My thoughts are with anyone who has friends or
family who was affected by this tragic event...

Craig, Flat Lake Alaska

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cap'n John" <>
Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 6:30 am
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] In shock

> Non Amphi related....
> I pray and hope that everyone in NY is OK safe and sound. Please
> say
> a prayer for all those who lost thier lives in NY. I can't help
> but
> shed tears for all those victims.
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Cap''n John

> > I too am shocked. I cannot believe this can happen
> > to the US
> >
> This attack is a direct result of the Clinton
> administracton allowing women and queers serve in the
> service. No wonder the whole world is not afraid of us
> anymore. We are a bunch of limp wrists.

I am ashamed to hear this kind of narrow minded immature thinking.
This is something I would not have expected from a group such as we
are. You should be ashamed that you write off our women who were an
integral part of our winning WWI and WWII, not to mention the Civil
war and others. As far as the gay population goes, why should they
not be allowed to defend our country too? I am not looking for a
debate on this subject here, but I could not just let something that
immmature go by.

That is all.


Schulz Gary-FGS111

RE: Re: In shock

<span class="220032213-12092001"><font face="Arial" color="#0000ff" size="2">I also am appalled that someone would make such an naive, irrational and uneducated statement such as this. Please keep your political rhetoric outside this forum.</font></span>
<span class="220032213-12092001"><font face="Arial" color="#0000ff" size="2"></font></span>
<span class="220032213-12092001"><font face="Arial" color="#0000ff" size="2">Gary</font></span>
<div class="OutlookMessageHeader" dir="ltr" align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="2">-----Original Message-----
From: Cap'n John []
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:21 AM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Re: In shock

</font><tt>> > I too am shocked. I cannot believe this can happen
> > to the US
> >
> This attack is a direct result of the Clinton
> administracton allowing women and queers serve in the
> service. No wonder the whole world is not afraid of us
> anymore. We are a bunch of limp wrists.

I am ashamed to hear this kind of narrow minded immature thinking.
This is something I would not have expected from a group such as we
are. You should be ashamed that you write off our women who were an
integral part of our winning WWI and WWII, not to mention the Civil
war and others. As far as the gay population goes, why should they
not be allowed to defend our country too? I am not looking for a
debate on this subject here, but I could not just let something that
immmature go by.

That is all.


<tt>To UNSUBSCRIBE from this group, just send an email TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS (this is not the same address for posting messages):

Any other issues may be addressed to the list owner/admin (Mike Israel)


<tt>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.</tt>

Re: Re: In shock

<font FACE="arial,helvetica"><font SIZE="2">In a message dated 9/12/01 9:30:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<blockquote TYPE="CITE" style="BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">This attack is a direct result of the Clinton administration..... </blockquote>Mike
Dixon" dixon heating.

Mike Dixon

If you really think like this, I cannot tell you how GLAD I am that you did
not buy the Amphi I have For sale. Your Vibes are so bad I would rather
donate him to charity than sell him too you.

Tommy in Tampa, Red 68 White 64

and Red 67 for sale BUT NOT TO THIS GUY</font>

john doe

RE: Re: In shock

I have never replied to any messages in this form before, but after this
maessage i have to. I am a canadian woman. I do not see what difference
removing a third leg and adding breasts makes when it comes to fighting for
your country, and i doubt the enemy even cares who sleeps with who.I would
also like to express my sympathy to all people affecting by yesterdays
tragedy. May god be with u all.

>From: Schulz Gary-FGS111 <>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: RE: [amphicar-lovers] Re: In shock
>Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:26:10 -0500
>I also am appalled that someone would make such an naive, irrational and
>uneducated statement such as this. Please keep your political rhetoric
>outside this forum.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Cap'n John []
>Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:21 AM
>Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Re: In shock
> > > I too am shocked. I cannot believe this can happen
> > > to the US
> > >
> > This attack is a direct result of the Clinton
> > administracton allowing women and queers serve in the
> > service. No wonder the whole world is not afraid of us
> > anymore. We are a bunch of limp wrists.
>I am ashamed to hear this kind of narrow minded immature thinking.
>This is something I would not have expected from a group such as we
>are. You should be ashamed that you write off our women who were an
>integral part of our winning WWI and WWII, not to mention the Civil
>war and others. As far as the gay population goes, why should they
>not be allowed to defend our country too? I am not looking for a
>debate on this subject here, but I could not just let something that
>immmature go by.
>That is all.
>To UNSUBSCRIBE from this group, just send an email TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS
>(this is not the same address for posting messages):
>Any other issues may be addressed to the list owner/admin (Mike Israel)
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo!
><> Terms of Service.

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Mike Israel

RE: Re: In shock


As you sit on your couch spouting your drivel I am
deployed at Fort Dix we we are acting as a center of
operations for many of the Federal Agencies involved.
Very few of the people I have met arebeer swizzling,
gay-bashing, right wing fanatics. There are as many
women as men. These are the people placing their own
lives in danger. Just remember, Tim McVeigh was just
the sort of person that you seem to hold in such high

The toughest, most well respected 1st Sergeant I ever
met in 15 years is a female. For years she served as
a weapons instructor to not only the Army but was so
good that the FBI and other agencies utilized her to
train their agents. What have you volunteered to do
during this crisis?

That being said, I will remind you of the terms of
service of this list. The purpose is to discuss
Amphicars. Thus, this discussion has come to a close.
If not, I will simply delete all of these
non-Amphicar related posts from the list, will ban
users as needed, and can even turn on features so that
all message have to be aproved by myself before they
are posted.

Mike Israel
65 Amphi (white)

--- Mike Dixon <> wrote:
> You may not want a debate but you got one.

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