RE: Re: In shock
I have never replied to any messages in this form before, but after this
maessage i have to. I am a canadian woman. I do not see what difference
removing a third leg and adding breasts makes when it comes to fighting for
your country, and i doubt the enemy even cares who sleeps with who.I would
also like to express my sympathy to all people affecting by yesterdays
tragedy. May god be with u all.
>From: Schulz Gary-FGS111 <>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: RE: [amphicar-lovers] Re: In shock
>Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 08:26:10 -0500
>I also am appalled that someone would make such an naive, irrational and
>uneducated statement such as this. Please keep your political rhetoric
>outside this forum.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Cap'n John []
>Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:21 AM
>Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Re: In shock
> > > I too am shocked. I cannot believe this can happen
> > > to the US
> > >
> > This attack is a direct result of the Clinton
> > administracton allowing women and queers serve in the
> > service. No wonder the whole world is not afraid of us
> > anymore. We are a bunch of limp wrists.
>I am ashamed to hear this kind of narrow minded immature thinking.
>This is something I would not have expected from a group such as we
>are. You should be ashamed that you write off our women who were an
>integral part of our winning WWI and WWII, not to mention the Civil
>war and others. As far as the gay population goes, why should they
>not be allowed to defend our country too? I am not looking for a
>debate on this subject here, but I could not just let something that
>immmature go by.
>That is all.
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