Thanks to Dave the wave and his better half Margie, Sandy and I had a great
time over the weekend. We enjoyed great weather, a great location, great
people, Friday night we drove to the rock river and had an enjoyable time
swimming with Dave and family and Eric and nick, we swam to a restaurant that
had a perfect view of the river. Saturday morning we went to spring valley to
meet up with other amphi folks. you could not have asked for a better
weekend, river was perfect, not used to watching out for barges as big as a
football field though. caring an extra propeller saved us from watching all
the action from land as i had a blade break off while taking a 6 mile swim
with 3 other amphis. sure glad the car had a fuel reserve as it was a longer
trip than expected. anyone that wanted an amphicar ride that weekend got one
as most of us gave a lot of people rides ,"Especially Dave." Getting together
with other amphi folk has been something that we all was look forward too.
Celina is great but there is something to be said about being with a smaller
group of amphicars. thanks to all that showed, Dave you can count on us when
ever you have swim ins, and i encourage all to try to join or host an
amphicar weekend.
Nick Borchardt
"MKNWVS" in Wisconsin
time over the weekend. We enjoyed great weather, a great location, great
people, Friday night we drove to the rock river and had an enjoyable time
swimming with Dave and family and Eric and nick, we swam to a restaurant that
had a perfect view of the river. Saturday morning we went to spring valley to
meet up with other amphi folks. you could not have asked for a better
weekend, river was perfect, not used to watching out for barges as big as a
football field though. caring an extra propeller saved us from watching all
the action from land as i had a blade break off while taking a 6 mile swim
with 3 other amphis. sure glad the car had a fuel reserve as it was a longer
trip than expected. anyone that wanted an amphicar ride that weekend got one
as most of us gave a lot of people rides ,"Especially Dave." Getting together
with other amphi folk has been something that we all was look forward too.
Celina is great but there is something to be said about being with a smaller
group of amphicars. thanks to all that showed, Dave you can count on us when
ever you have swim ins, and i encourage all to try to join or host an
amphicar weekend.
Nick Borchardt
"MKNWVS" in Wisconsin