IAOC Newsletter / Roster / Info


Ron Green

A few words on what has been happening the past few weeks:

We have a new W&W newsletter editor, Keith Mathiowetz (AKA 3rd gear Keith). Keith was the editor of Old Cars Weekly and is a professional automotive writer, and has an Amphi. Keith is currently working on getting a newsletter (issue #134) out within the next 2 weeks. It promises to be a great issue with Celina information, etc included. There will be 6 newsletters issued per year starting immediately.

A IAOC 2008 membership roster is ready to mail tomorrow to all 2007 and 2008 members. There are 111 members (07) who have not yet renewed.

The board is currently in the process of updating the club bylaws and all should be complete approximately the end of April. Also the next newsletter will included info on IAOC swim in donations that have been implemented within the past few weeks, etc.

The year end gift has been bought and in hand since December and will be mailed out in the very near future.

Ron Green
Interim IAOC President


New Member
Keith was the editor of Old Cars Weekly? When did that change?

'64 Das Boot

Ron Green wrote:

> A few words on what has been happening the past few weeks:
> We have a new W&W newsletter editor, Keith Mathiowetz (AKA 3rd gear
> Keith). Keith was the editor of Old Cars Weekly and is a professional
> automotive writer, and has an Amphi. Keith is currently working on
> getting a newsletter (issue #134) out within the next 2 weeks. It
> promises to be a great issue with Celina information, etc included.
> There will be 6 newsletters issued per year starting immediately.
> A IAOC 2008 membership roster is ready to mail tomorrow to all 2007
> and 2008 members. There are 111 members (07) who have not yet renewed.
> The board is currently in the process of updating the club bylaws and
> all should be complete approximately the end of April. Also the next
> newsletter will included info on IAOC swim in donations that have been
> implemented within the past few weeks, etc.
> The year end gift has been bought and in hand since December and will
> be mailed out in the very near future.
> Ron Green
> Interim IAOC President

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
Looking forward to an updated roster. Very useful in putting a swim in together. I think the Club is going to have a very good year. I have already seen the positive changes. Keep up the hard work! Later Dave the Wave


Amphicar Expert
Thank you Dave on behalf of the Board.
We are all working very hard to get everything in order so all members can be proud...

Mt Tavares (Dora) was a blast and Victor You were a riot at the dinner!!!

John Capone IAOC Treasurer

Midwest Amphicar

Worlds Largest Amphicar Destination
Ron two problems with roster. One is I now know where You live. Two , what happened to all of the ILLINOIS amphi owners? Did they all move to Michigan?!! Thanks for getting this together. Cigar guy said You spent many hours getting info together. I immediately put it to use contacting members for the Sabula swim. The list really helps!
I'm not on it and the check was cashed Dec 31st. Amphigr66n

Midwest Amphicar <> wrote: Ron two problems with roster. One is I now know where You live. Two , what happened to all of the ILLINOIS amphi owners? Did they all move to Michigan?!! Thanks for getting this together. Cigar guy said You spent many hours getting info together. I immediately put it to use contacting members for the Sabula swim. The list really helps!

Ron Green

The roster has something like 355 members listed on it even though there are currently only approximately 242 members in IAOC. The difference being it was sent to all 07 members with hope they would renew.

Amphigr66n, if you are not in the roster then there is a problem. Either you didn't fill in the ok to use your name and address or something is amiss. I was the one that deposited your check in Dec and forwarded the info to the keeper of the roster. Please email me (click on my name) your name and info and I will research and send you a email off list.

Dave, The Illinois amphi owners are the same ones that have been listed since 2005. Are you sure your not scaring them out of the state? :dft012:


One trouble with the new Amphicar group format that bothers me and I expect
others too is that so many
e-mails are unsigned and often are intended as a reply to a particular
member or refer to a particular member. E.G. - the e-mail I just read said
something like "I believe I last paid my dues in 2005." The letter as I received
it was unsigned and not only can nobody tell who sent it, but to whom it was
intended. The intended recipient may very well recognize that it was
intended for him or her, but for all the rest of us, it is just a meaningless
e-mail to be opened, read, puzzled over maybe, and deleted.

Mike - do you think this is a valid observation ? Would it not be sensible
to put the sender's e-mail address at the beginning of the e-mails. Doing
so would still maintain a degree of anonymity if the writer desired such. I
know that _Amphicarlovers@amhicar770.com_
(mailto:Amphicarlovers@amhicar770.com) is not the origin for all of these anonymous
e-mails which have no meaning or value to 99% of the recipients, but we all
still need to open such e-mails up to discover that they are useless and
meaningless to everyone but probably one recipient.
Vic Nelson near Daytona

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Ron -

Several years ago, a single sheet was appended to the roster listing the
states alphabetically in order above the members of that state listed
alphabetically. Since all the rest of the pertinent information concerning each member
( i.e. - the address, telephone, e-mail address, etc ) is already in the
roster, such a list need only have the State name and under it the names of the
Members from that state. This can all easily be done on one single sheet of
paper appended to the end of the Roster, but is was and again would be
extremely useful to e.g. hosts of Swim-Ins when trying to come up with an
appropriate list of people to contact who are near by as well as probably for other
purposes as well. Vic Nelson

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Amphicar Forum Admin
Staff member

Messages could list the individual as the sender but this would create two problems.

1) Your email address would be readily available to all the spambots that spider this and other lists. All the messages show up in Google, if your email address is included that would be visible to the world.

As is, you see something like this:
RE: [General Amphicar Discussion-t-19924] Re: IAOC Newsletter / Roster / InfoSplitPersonality

IF you are a registered list member, and not a Spambot, you can take the extra step of going to the forum and looking up SplitPersonality.

2) Many messages might get trapped by spam filters as each would have a different email address.

3) Several members have all list messages automatically placed in one folder. You would need to know the name of every list member. If you get a message from hotbilge.AT.aol.com with a subject like "My engine is revving too fast" you probably would never even open it even though it might be a legitimate message.

The last point is that people should not be posting messages to all 300 list members that are intended for an individual. The 299 other members do not really need to be seeing a message that states, "Did you receive my check for membership renewal ...?" In those cases the forum itself has a private messaging capability as well as the ability to click on someones name and send them an email.

I'll give some thought to possible work arounds. Unfortunately, everything is ultimately a trade-off.




New Member
I'm not sure what's different about how you guys get your email vs. me. I tend to read them online via my Yahoo email account. I can see the email of the sender on all of them so it hasn't been a problem for me. I don't get the actual names but over the years I know split personality is Victor in Florida. In the message below I know that Chasgould is Charles Gould......there are some that i don't recognize but it hasn't been a big deal.

So maybe its something you can tweak on your side.

Packing in Chicago

----- Original Message ----
From: chasgould <>
To: e_mattlin@sbcglobal.net
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 7:45:39 AM
Subject: RE: [General Amphicar Discussion-t-19924] Re: IAOC Newsletter / Roster / Info

In a message dated 4/13/08 8:11:58 AM, writes:

> One trouble with the new Amphicar group format that bothers me and I expect
> others too is that so many
I completely agree with Vic on this observation. It is extrememly frustraing
not to know the source of the messages.

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Ken Chambers

Platinum Subscriber
I use the email version and when clicking 'reply' the original message
is quoted which I then delete all but pertinent parts. Don't know if
the web version works the same.

I feel it is very courteous to sign your name to a message. A
location would be nice as well. After all, we're a fairly close-knit
group of folks with a rather unique common interest. It only serves
to get to know each other better.

Whenever I see an anonymous message asking for assistance to an
Amphicar problem I tend to ignore it. I can't get very motivated to
research an answer to their problem if I don't even know who it is I'm
talking to. Chances are pretty good to not receive a thank you reply

All the best,
Ken Chambers, CA
'64 Red

On Apr 13, 2008, at 5:45 AM, chasgould wrote:

> In a message dated 4/13/08 8:11:58 AM, writes:
> Quote:
> > One trouble with the new Amphicar group format that bothers me and
> I expect
> > others too is that so many
> >
> I completely agree with Vic on this observation. It is extrememly
> frustraing
> not to know the source of the messages.
> Chas


New Member
'I looked over my setting after posting earlier today. I don't keep
the list email address in my directory which may be why I have the
sender's email visible. If you populate the LIST email into your
local directory whatever you have in that as the "name" will over
ride whatever comes from the actual list.

On Apr 13, 2008, at 9:06 AM, mike_israel wrote:

> Vic,
> Messages could list the individual as the sender but this would
> create two problems.
> 1) Your email address would be readily available to all the
> spambots that spider this and other lists. All the messages show up
> in Google, if your email address is included that would be visible
> to the world.
> As is, you see something like this:
> RE: [General Amphicar Discussion-t-19924] Re: IAOC Newsletter /
> Roster / InfoSplitPersonality
> IF you are a registered list member, and not a Spambot, you can
> take the extra step of going to the forum and looking up
> SplitPersonality.
> 2) Many messages might get trapped by spam filters as each would
> have a different email address.
> 3) Several members have all list messages automatically placed in
> one folder. You would need to know the name of every list member.
> If you get a message from hotbilge.AT.aol.com with a subject like
> "My engine is revving too fast" you probably would never even open
> it even though it might be a legitimate message.
> The last point is that people should not be posting messages to all
> 300 list members that are intended for an individual. The 299 other
> members do not really need to be seeing a message that states, "Did
> you receive my check for membership renewal ...?" In those cases
> the forum itself has a private messaging capability as well as the
> ability to click on someones name and send them an email.
> I'll give some thought to possible work arounds. Unfortunately,
> everything is ultimately a trade-off.
> Thanks,
> Mike


New Member
In a message dated 4/13/08 10:23:52 AM,

> I can see the email of the sender on all of them so it hasn't been a
> problem for me.

Hi Eric,
Good luck on your move, which incidentally, does bring you a bit closer to
the East, and therefore possibly more able to attend our Microcar event in July,
or the Amphicar event if we decide to hold another one.
On my messages, all of them are addressed to me as "chasgould@aol.com", but
ALL of the messages simply say that they are from
". I have no clue or idea who the author or sender is on any single message
unless they actually sign their message, as you did. You were so kind, as to
not only sign who you were, but to even advise us all that you were packing, so
I even know what you are doing!
So, if someone were to post that they have a pristine 1967 Amphicar that only
needs a new muffler and a bufing of the paint that they will accept $3,000.00
for, and that the first to respond will own it, I would have no idea who to
contact, except to post a response to the list. Now that Mike has indicated
that I can look up the message sender somewhere, I will have a look at tat, but
from the individual email messages, I don't think that I even get the email
address of the sender.

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Chas wrote:
>...but ALL of the messages simply say that they are from ".
>I have no clue or idea who the author or sender is on any single >message unless they actually sign their message, as you did...

Just my 2 cents worth...
I get individual messages, and they ALL come to me with the "from field" filed in the form of:
"SplitPersonality <amphicarlovers@amphicar770.com>"
"chasgould <amphicarlovers@amphicar770.com>"
... etc.

and my opinion is that is just fine. It makes it just a little difficult to harvest the email address and figure out a real face for the poster, but many times you still recognize who posted that even without a signature in the text. i.e. If I go to the amphicar770 website, use the member tab and look up "chasgould" (from the email address "from field") I see what that person entered for their "real name". If I do the same with "SplitPersonality" I can find out other information but not the real name as that person chooses to remain a little more anonymous. I can guess knowing that Victor likes woodies ( ... that may get filtered by some spam protocols ...) and lives between Daytona and Orlando, etc. If all people had the real name field filled in, then it would be just a simple redirection to figure it out, but then again, some might want to remain more obscure. I think that is a personal choice as to how much information to divulge. It is also just 1 click to view all posts by that person and thus form opinions... For example, tazman doesn't put his real name in the profile, but a simple 1 click finds some posts one can easily see messages where Chuck divulged that information indirectly.

Bottom line, I think it is fine the way it is.

unsigned but recognizable <G> :dft012:


New Member
In a message dated 4/13/08 12:03:41 PM,

> On my messages, all of them are addressed to me as "chasgould@aol.com", but
> ALL of the messages simply say that they are from
> ".

That should have said ALL of the messages seimply state that they are from
"" and if this is missing from this post as well,
then the software is stripping out the address to protect the privacy from

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New Member
In a message dated 4/13/08 1:42:58 PM, writes:

> Bottom line, I think it is fine the way it is.
> Signed,
> unsigned but recognizable

Not to me, you aren't!
This is precisely my point, as in my individual email message, this message
is marked from "", and with your humorous
signature, I have no idea who you are, or who posted this message, nor can I look
it up, as your name, or any part of your email is not visable to me anywhere in
the message, unless I go to the site, which defeats the purpose of receiving
individual email messages.

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New Member
In a message dated 4/13/08 4:19:05 PM, writes:

> That should have said ALL of the messages simply state that they are from
> "" and if this is missing from this post as well,
> then the software is stripping out the address to protect the privacy from
> spambots?
> Chas

Let's try this one more time. All of my messages say that they are coming
from amphicarlovers at amphicar770 dot com. I had to write it this way to keep it
from being striped out of my previous messages. Of course, if Mike is
removing these manually, I am making more work for him.

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