I got nailed...


John Bevins

Last eve. I got home and fired up Ye Ole PC. Pfffft ... POP! Looks
like it has a virus of some sort. All gone, bye bye. SH*T!

Being that I do work at a back-up company, I have a 8mm tape drive.
WHEW! I lost 20 hrs+ of the work on the Manual. I have all the scans,
I need to go back and reformat them into usable text again.
Thankfully the schematics should be safe. That would have ended that
project for sure. I have *well* over 120 hrs into the drawings and
HTML code.

Tonight I will be doing the autopsy to see what did it. Looks like
Windows 2000 Pro goes on tonight.

Gord - Anti virus software must be set up to scan all files
inbound/outbound for it to automatically catch the virus. Check to
see if yours is configured to do that. That should help.
