I dont think it was the rotor!

  • Thread starter Marty_Peters@gillette.com
  • Start date


...but after they sailed home and then find the rotor in one of the
travelers pocket, you know it still won't work don't you. And no
amount of bilge could remotely adhere it enough to stay in place atop
the distributor shaft for a second trip of fun and joy. Yes, Dave,
rotors are a bad topic for those who do not believe that not only one
but, yes, two rotors can go bad so quickly...

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] I dont think it was the rotor!
Author: amphicar-lovers@egroups.com (David Derer <dmd@essex1.com>) at
Date: 10/16/00 1:35 PM

The couple loses the distributor
rotor, so they have to push the Amphi across the jungle. It ends even
stupidly ( Nobody believes that it is the rotor) when the hero sews a
sail out of her model dresses, so they can
It cant be the rotor!

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David Derer

The couple loses the distributor
rotor, so they have to push the Amphi across the jungle. It ends even
stupidly ( Nobody believes that it is the rotor) when the hero sews a
sail out of her model dresses, so they can
It cant be the rotor!

Bill Connelly

You know...I was actually THINKING just how much the whole plot of that
mysteriously apochryphal "German Film" sounded a hell of a lot like one of
those springtime Mount Dora Swim-Ins down in Florida...I mean what with the
wildlife and rotor problems and all...And isn't rotor-juggler maestro Dave
the Wave down at Mt. Dora every year? So, I was actually thinking: Could it
be that it's actually just some footage of Dave and Company in full
springtime cavort through the Everglades dubbed into German for their Nature
Channel -- for some feature called something like "Ami Lustj?ger mit Gewebte
Z?he" (="Webtoed Yankee Lust Hunters")? But no... I've since learned that
the actual German title is actually "Lustschrei im Urwald", and that it IS
in fact a soft porno epic of the German jiggle-and-bounce film industry of
the late 60s or early 70s. Needless to say I have made enquiries to obtain
a copy of said timeless classic, and though it will probably never be for
sale off the Club's website, even in a plain brown wrapper, it will almost
certainly be available for viewing with the drapes drawn at the Swim-Ins.
The title, "Lustschrei im Urwald", though very snappy indeed in German,
translates rather lamely into English as "Passion Screams in the Jungle."

Anyone got a subtitling deck?


----- Original Message -----
From: <Marty_Peters@gillette.com>
To: <amphicar-lovers@egroups.com>
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2000 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [amphicar-lovers] I dont think it was the rotor!

> ...but after they sailed home and then find the rotor in one of the
> travelers pocket, you know it still won't work don't you. And no
> amount of bilge could remotely adhere it enough to stay in place atop
> the distributor shaft for a second trip of fun and joy. Yes, Dave,
> rotors are a bad topic for those who do not believe that not only one
> but, yes, two rotors can go bad so quickly...
> ______________________________ Reply Separator
> Subject: [amphicar-lovers] I dont think it was the rotor!
> Author: amphicar-lovers@egroups.com (David Derer <dmd@essex1.com>) at
> Date: 10/16/00 1:35 PM
> The couple loses the distributor
> rotor, so they have to push the Amphi across the jungle. It ends even
> more
> stupidly ( Nobody believes that it is the rotor) when the hero sews a
> sail out of her model dresses, so they can
> It cant be the rotor!
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@egroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> amphicar-lovers-unsubscribe@egroups.com