headlights on - car shuts off


Jump in the car, start it up, turn on headlights and cars stalls and shuts off. Turn off lights and it starts right up. lights on car dies. Could not go to fireworks last night boo hoo. Im afraid of the "prince of darkness" and am not digging into it with out guidance. Any ideas of what I should check first.


Active Member
Live goes from the battery to the light switch then on to the ignition switch. I would first check the connections at the lights switch and the lights switch itself.


Surprise, lights work. Of course it's daytime and I don't need them. Will snoop around light switch. I did notice it was loose and I hand tightened switch by turning the rosette holding nut. After tightening I still had no lights. But this morning they worked. Lucas at work.
Thanks. problem solved for now.


Amphicar Expert & Former IAOC President
I had a similar problem years ago. Same thing, lights go on, everything dies. My problem was a poor (rusty and crusty) connection at the terminal strip in the engine compartment behind the muffler. I cleaned up wire connections and was good for nearly 20 years…then I finally replaced the terminal strip a few years ago. I guess the increased draw with the lights on was more than it could handle. This solution actually came from Bilgemeister on the boat ramp at the Lake George 1998 Swim In - he even loaned me his tiny files to clean the wires up!
Might be worth a check.



After tightening the nut holding the light switch it seems to work. Have been using the car and it works fine. It does make me think to start replacing harnesses and connections. Not now though it's swimming season. Maybe over the winter. Thanks for the info.


Amphicar Expert & Former IAOC President
You mentioned that you might consider replacing harness(es)….that’s what I did when I replaced the terminal strip I mentioned. The “Main Wiring Harness” that Gordon’s sells is great. Admittedly it was a big job to replace, and more than once I wandered “Why did I do this to a running car!!??”, but they really did a great job making the harness. Pretty much every wire in the car. Highly recommend. I feel much better having new wiring - that is, wires that don’t crumble and crack with every touch!
Just be sure to get a copy of the full wiring schematic to help guide you. John Bevins used to have a really good color one available.
Good Luck.


Hi Mark
I have had my car for twenty years. Bought it from a guy that restored it and did a great job. Its #78 and stock. I plan on keeping it stock but up to date. I'm ok with positive ground, generator, and old brakes. I will watch sales from Gordens and purchase harness when it goes on sale. Always something to do on these cars and the wiring will be a winter project. As you mentioned "why replace something when it's running". Until then I will keep my fingers crossed and beware of the prince of darkness.