Happy new year and thanks



Hi chaps.

Have just downloaded the results for my questionairre which so many
of you kindly answered.

There were some extremely constructive responses and some which just
made me giggle. Whoever suggested the inflatable mermaid for commuter
lane use is a genius, pure and simple.

The vibe seems to be that you all basically want essentially a
development of the amphicar, a little more civillised and less likely
to turn into ferric oxide. Whoever suggested photo-voltaic power may
well be on to something (brings to mind tales I've heard of aluminium
cruisers tying up to copper-clad jetties and magically welding
themselves together overnight.......

I now have to bolt this new information into some sort of report
thingy (8000 words) and relocate back to university (I'm at home in
picturesque coastal Essex, SE England at the mo). Thanks again for
all your help, hope you had a great xmas.

I'll be around, loitering and eavesdropping..........

Cheers, Chris.


--- In amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com, "covunidesigner"
<pleasetalktome@e...> wrote:
"There were some extremely constructive responses and some which just
made me giggle. Whoever suggested the inflatable mermaid for commuter
lane use is a genius, pure and simple."

I've been called many things over the years...
... "genius" has NEVER been one of them.
Thanks and best of luck with your project.
Do keep us posted on your findings and we
all look forward to reading the 8000 word
report. Please be sure the next generation
Amphi has FINS and inflatable mermaids.
Be well, swim safe.
Swim more in 2004!

'64 Turquoise
san Diego, CA