Happier Note

  • Thread starter tommyintpa@aol.com
  • Start date


<font FACE="arial,helvetica"><font SIZE="3" FAMILY="SERIF" FACE="Calisto MT" LANG="0">In a message dated 8/1/01 6:39:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, rayhand@yahoo.com

</font><font COLOR="#000000" SIZE="2" FAMILY="SANSSERIF" FACE="Arial" LANG="0">

<blockquote TYPE="CITE" style="BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">On a happier note, Chris & I have decided to take our Amphicar to down to
Florida next March for the Mt. Dora boat show. Ray</blockquote>

</font><font COLOR="#000000" SIZE="3" FAMILY="SERIF" FACE="Calisto MT" LANG="0">

Ray, You guys are gonna love Mt. Dora. Last year was a blast. You "up north
Amphi guys" may want to consider coming to what, no doubt, will become the
second biggest annual Amphi event. Its the earliest many of you will get to
swim your cars, March is the middle of spring in Florida. If the water is
just a little higher next year we can take the cars through the Dora channel
it called "one of Americas most beautiful waterways" buy someone that knows
those things. The woody car show is so cool too. I think I can speak for all
the Florida Amphis, you come, we will make you feel welcome. Tommy in Tampa</font>

Ray Handloser

On a happier note, Chris & I have decided to take our Amphicar to
Autofest in Evansville,Indiana this coming Sept & down to Florida next
March for the Mt. Dora boat show. Ray

Ray Handloser

Tommy, I was at the last two Mt. Dora shows. I found a place to
keep my trailer in south Orlando..about 30 miles from the house in
Clermont where Chris & I will be staying. Ray--- In
amphicar-lovers@y..., tommyintpa@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 8/1/01 6:39:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > On a happier note, Chris & I have decided to take our Amphicar to
down to
> > Florida next March for the Mt. Dora boat show.
> Ray, You guys are gonna love Mt. Dora. Last year was a blast. You
"up north
> Amphi guys" may want to consider coming to what, no doubt, will
become the
> second biggest annual Amphi event. Its the earliest many of you will
get to
> swim your cars, March is the middle of spring in Florida. If the
water is
> just a little higher next year we can take the cars through the Dora
> it called "one of Americas most beautiful waterways" buy someone
that knows
> those things. The woody car show is so cool too. I think I can speak
for all
> the Florida Amphis, you come, we will make you feel welcome. Tommy
in Tampa