Tom Maruska
I emailed Hagerty the other day after all the negative emails were going
around about them. Here's their response. If anyone has any questions
or concerns about coverage, please contect them at the phone number
below or by email.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Worm
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:59 AM
To: Heather Hockin
Subject: 57810
Dear Mr. Maruska
Thank you for your inquiry.
In response, it is not our intention to non-renew amphicars, nor are we
looking at these more closely. Each risk is individually underwritten
and we welcome owners of amphicars to apply for coverage with us. It is
unfortunate that you were presented with incorrect information.
Filing a claim or acquiring a moving violation does not mandate
non-renewal of a policy. There are several underwriting factors taken
into consideration that would initiate any adverse action be taken.
Please contact our office with any further questions.
Thank you, and enjoy your cars!
Thomas Worm, Compliance Manager
Hagerty Insurance
around about them. Here's their response. If anyone has any questions
or concerns about coverage, please contect them at the phone number
below or by email.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Worm
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:59 AM
To: Heather Hockin
Subject: 57810
Dear Mr. Maruska
Thank you for your inquiry.
In response, it is not our intention to non-renew amphicars, nor are we
looking at these more closely. Each risk is individually underwritten
and we welcome owners of amphicars to apply for coverage with us. It is
unfortunate that you were presented with incorrect information.
Filing a claim or acquiring a moving violation does not mandate
non-renewal of a policy. There are several underwriting factors taken
into consideration that would initiate any adverse action be taken.
Please contact our office with any further questions.
Thank you, and enjoy your cars!
Thomas Worm, Compliance Manager
Hagerty Insurance