--- In amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com, "Michael Echemann"
<echemike@s...> wrote:
> Larry:
> Hagerty is all you need to know. I suggest you don't even
> alternatives. The reasons are endless.
> Now I hope I didn't open up a can of worms but I'd never trust a
> company to pay off at the Amphi's value etc. etc. If your regular
> tells you your covered ask for a letter from the company and I bet
you don't
> get one.
> Mike
Are there any other menbers in Alaska on this list? If so maybe we
could get together and see if we can get Hargerty to offer service
in Alaska.
<echemike@s...> wrote:
> Larry:
> Hagerty is all you need to know. I suggest you don't even
> alternatives. The reasons are endless.
> Now I hope I didn't open up a can of worms but I'd never trust a
> company to pay off at the Amphi's value etc. etc. If your regular
> tells you your covered ask for a letter from the company and I bet
you don't
> get one.
> Mike
Are there any other menbers in Alaska on this list? If so maybe we
could get together and see if we can get Hargerty to offer service
in Alaska.