Got Car, need documentation


Andrew Bennett

Hello all!

I am the happy new owner of a red '64 Amphi previously named "SWIM7C",
soon to re rechristened "FLOTSM".

Anyway, it arrived in good working order, a bit of rust, but otherwise
seaworthy. It also arrived with not a scrap of documentation other than

the title. No manuals of any kind. So far, I'm working off of
references found on line and based on years of restoring old Ramblers
and Metropolitans. So my question for those wiser and more experienced
in the ways of the Amphis is: Where can I get a service manual? I'll
be happy with just a photocopy, but I need *something* to get me going.

You'll be happy to know that I've already stocked up on the necessary
AMSOIL products. :)

Pics at:

My long-range plans are to equip it with a retractable pan/tilt
underwater camera, side-scan sonar and DGPS. We're having an argument
in the lab about the bow thruster and making the scews
counter-rotating. The sacrificial anode is already installed (That's
what happens when you hand an Amphi over to an Ocean Engineer)... ;)

Sorry I'm missing Celina! Maybe next year!


Dr. Andrew Bennett Standard Disclaimers Apply
26 Centre Ave. Phone: (617) 661-7068
Belmont, MA 02478-1501