Gordons Muffler install


Craig Taylor

Anyone out there install one of the mufflers from Gordons? It appears I
need to fab some brackets to do the install. Any advise before I dive
in? Anyone done this before?
BTW I found the dreaded quarter pannel rot on the read drivers side so
I may be doing the strip and paint sooner then I planed. :-(

Craig in Alaska
Red 66


I installed one of their High Performance mufflers this year (I had the Original
one still on my car,, when I took it off it sounded like there was a tin can
rolling around inside).I was a little dissapointed . The New one was just as
loud as the old one . It was easy enough to install but I thought it would be
noticably Quieter. I didnt notice any increase in power . I would think a
quieter muffler would be available but the short tailpipe and location must make
it nearly impossible. Russ63 GREEN
----- Original Message -----
From: Craig Taylor
To: amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 9:36 PM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Gordons Muffler install

Anyone out there install one of the mufflers from Gordons? It appears I
need to fab some brackets to do the install. Any advise before I dive
in? Anyone done this before?
BTW I found the dreaded quarter pannel rot on the read drivers side so
I may be doing the strip and paint sooner then I planed. :-(

Craig in Alaska
Red 66

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Al Heath

It's not original, but I've used the resonator from an 80's rabbit. Its
pretty short and I like the sound.

buoyant3 <martyandcaryl@charter.net>

We put one in a couple years ago. I did have to make a piece of
steel that captured and held the muffler, nothing beautiful, maybe
3/4" width.
The fun part was before everything was tight and getting it all to
line up so the chrome tip fit well. Our new fuffler is a lot quieter
than the one we took off.
It took us about 4 hours to do the job. Good luck,
Marty & Caryl
'64 Turq

--- In amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com, Craig Taylor
<alaskanamphi@g...> wrote:
> Anyone out there install one of the mufflers from Gordons?
> Craig in Alaska
> Red 66

Cap''n John


I will take a pic of the brackets I made for mine and send it to you
tomorrow AM. I used some 1/2" strap formed to fit the curvature of
the muffler body (welded to it). One from below and one from above
meeting at the same height as the brackets. I had be to sure the exit
pipe was at the correct spot. There is some adjustment by turning the
pipe, but to get it level and straight was the hard part.

John "600+ miles on the odometer so far" Bevins

Craig Taylor

Re: Re: Gordons Muffler install

Thanks John, Gordons drawing of the custom mounting bracket needs some

Craig in Alaska
Red 66

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cap'n John <minnow@amphicar.net>" <minnow@amphicar.net>
Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 2:01 pm
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Re: Gordons Muffler install

> Craig,
> I will take a pic of the brackets I made for mine and send it to
> you
> tomorrow AM. I used some 1/2" strap formed to fit the curvature of
> the muffler body (welded to it). One from below and one from above
> meeting at the same height as the brackets. I had be to sure the
> exit
> pipe was at the correct spot. There is some adjustment by turning
> the
> pipe, but to get it level and straight was the hard part.
> John "600+ miles on the odometer so far" Bevins
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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