Gordon Imports is moving to Celina, OH . . . for the swim-in festivities.



During the show, all calls to our warehouse will be re-routed to our
mobile cell tech lines. Say you're boating at the Hot Hole and you
need help. Call us like always at (562) 802-1608. We'll answer,
even out on Grand Lake St. Mary's, and try to solve the problem.
Since seven of us will be there (Shellee, Scott, Bob, Jeani, Hugh,
and two exceptionally gifted Amphicar restoration specialists), we
can handle just about any situation.

Those of you who are not coming to Celina . . . think again! Yes,
you can place your warehouse orders as usual. But wouldn't it be
more fun to swim with everyone at Celina? Do you really want to
place an order with Shellee while she's out in the middle of the
lake? You could be there, too. Why not give her your order in

A "not running" Amphicar is no excuse. With 50 to 70 amphicars,
someone will gladly lower the water lock and invite you for a summer
night splash.

Okay, so you're nervous. Your Amphicar floats but needs work.
Don't worry about it. Swim anyway! The combined tech experience at
Celina can solve any Amphicar problem. What's that? You say you
need more than solutions? You need parts, too? Well, you'll have a
feast at the famous Amphicar swap meet. There will be enough parts
to fill a 40' trailer! About eleven people will be there with new
and used goodies. Gordon Imports will have first time ever
promotional parts pricing for everyone at Celina. See us at the
Holiday Inn or swap meet for pricing details. And don't worry about
cash, we will take credit card orders just like the warehouse.

Those of you advance ordering for delivery in Celina will save even
more . . . no freight charges! (Subject to parts on hand.) Call us
as soon as possible. Our vans fill up quickly!

For more information about the Celina, OH Swim-In, call or write
to: International Amphicar Owners Club, 10414 Mountain Glenn
Terrace, San Diego, CA 92131, phone (858) 530-0314, e-mail



Wow!!! Nice Celina plug 'amphiguru' (Hugh).
Got 3 calls already! When the amphiguru speaks...
amphibians listen. Thanks Hugh - See ya in Celina!

I've been busy with my Celina Eagles Lodge dinner
entertainment. Mermaid got a preview and was in
tears of laughter. I have room for 22 more highly
unusual Amphicar related photos or scans, historical,
new, uniquely costumed passengers, and truly silly
photos of amphibians at play. Email them, snail mail
or send me the link to where they are. When I'm
done this could be the funniest 15 minutes of
amphibious silliness photos on this planet... but
I need your help with 22 more photos - PLEASE!!!

Be well, swim safe.
Getting VERY pumped for Celina...
Where Amphicars thrive in 2005!!!

'64 Turquoise
San Diego, CA

--- In amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com, "amphiguru" <hughg@g...>
> During the show, all calls to our warehouse will be re-routed to
> mobile cell tech lines. Say you're boating at the Hot Hole and you
> need help. Call us like always at (562) 802-1608. We'll answer,
> even out on Grand Lake St. Mary's, and try to solve the problem.
> Since seven of us will be there (Shellee, Scott, Bob, Jeani, Hugh,
> and two exceptionally gifted Amphicar restoration specialists), we
> can handle just about any situation.
> Those of you who are not coming to Celina . . . think again! Yes,
> you can place your warehouse orders as usual. But wouldn't it be
> more fun to swim with everyone at Celina? Do you really want to
> place an order with Shellee while she's out in the middle of the
> lake? You could be there, too. Why not give her your order in
> person?
> A "not running" Amphicar is no excuse. With 50 to 70 amphicars,
> someone will gladly lower the water lock and invite you for a
> night splash.
> Okay, so you're nervous. Your Amphicar floats but needs work.
> Don't worry about it. Swim anyway! The combined tech experience
> Celina can solve any Amphicar problem. What's that? You say you
> need more than solutions? You need parts, too? Well, you'll have
> feast at the famous Amphicar swap meet. There will be enough parts
> to fill a 40' trailer! About eleven people will be there with new
> and used goodies. Gordon Imports will have first time ever
> promotional parts pricing for everyone at Celina. See us at the
> Holiday Inn or swap meet for pricing details. And don't worry
> cash, we will take credit card orders just like the warehouse.
> Those of you advance ordering for delivery in Celina will save even
> more . . . no freight charges! (Subject to parts on hand.) Call
> as soon as possible. Our vans fill up quickly!
> For more information about the Celina, OH Swim-In, call or write
> to: International Amphicar Owners Club, 10414 Mountain Glenn
> Terrace, San Diego, CA 92131, phone (858) 530-0314, e-mail
> www.amphicar.com