Gift, Virus, & Ebay


Mike Echemann

I certainly support Amphipoda's comments.

----- Original Message -----
From: "amphipoda" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 24, 2001 9:16 PM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Gift, Virus, & Ebay

Those with
the bugs please STOP sending your mail until
you figure out some sanitary computer hygiene.


First, a hearty "THANK YOU" to the good
folks at the International Amphicar Owners
Club board of directors and its gracious
president. The surprise gift is awesome!
Truly worthy of wall space in my den of
inequity adjacent my other Amphi lore.
When can we expect some details about the
picture... when, where (which factory),
and possibly who those dapper craftsmen
are? Priceless no matter what. Thanks
again you guys...

Second, this virus crap is really starting
to piss me off. I've been battleing the
flu, broncitus, pneumonia, I'm freaked out
about anthrax in the snail mail, and now I'm
subject to bugs in the club's email. Those with
the bugs please STOP sending your mail until
you figure out some sanitary computer hygiene.
The Yahoo club bulletin board has more diseases
than a ten dollar Tijuana call girl. Hopefully
the system admin can clean it up and prevent
further infections... even if it means pulling
the plug on those responsible. Sorry for
taking such a hard line, but enough is enough.

Third, Mike's Ebay story sent a chill down
my already crooked spine. Wow! Talk about
praying on innocent victims... an amphibian
no less. Glad it got resolved Mike and thanks
for the chilling reminder that "its a buyer
beware," market on Ebay.

Amphipoda ~ in recovery mode
'64 Turquoise
San Diego, CA ~ no white X-mas here