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<tt>Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys
Date: 8 Dec 2006 01:21:11 -0000
To: TAZMAN3115@aol.com
From: Yahoo! Groups notify@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Your Message to amphicar-lovers</tt>
We're sorry. The reply message you sent to amphicar-lovers Daily Digest was not
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The Yahoo! Groups Team
<tt>From: TAZMAN3115@aol.com
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 20:17:56 EST
Subject: Re: [amphicar-lovers] Digest Number 2228
To: notify-dg-amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com</tt>
<table id="role_body" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Arial" bottomMargin="7" leftMargin="7" topMargin="7" rightMargin="7"><font id="role_document" face="Arial" color="#000000" size="2">
Hi Paul, welcome aboard to the world's best car club. Trust me, no one ever bad mouths a fellow amphibians car. Most of us have parts, accessories, etc. that are non stock on our cars and basically , anything goes, even strange or different colors. Many of us have cars with blistering quarter panels with rust pushing through and that is OK too. We all just want to get together and swim together and have a blast. Trust me , no one cares how correct or how close to concours your car is. All we care about is that it is safe and you are having the time of your life. Chuck in MI
My blue 68 should be back from the paint shop this week. I am so excited , I can't wait to see it . </font>
<tt>Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys
Date: 8 Dec 2006 01:21:11 -0000
To: TAZMAN3115@aol.com
From: Yahoo! Groups notify@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Your Message to amphicar-lovers</tt>
We're sorry. The reply message you sent to amphicar-lovers Daily Digest was not
To ensure the best experience for our users, replies to the Yahoo! Groups Daily
Digest are only supported through the "reply links" which immediately follow
each message in the fully featured version of the digest.
You can also reply to a message directly from the web by going to:
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to a message by changing the email address of the reply to
Meanwhile, if you're interested in starting a new message topic within your
group, just send an email directly to amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com.
Thank you for your continued support of Yahoo! Groups.
The Yahoo! Groups Team
<tt>From: TAZMAN3115@aol.com
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 20:17:56 EST
Subject: Re: [amphicar-lovers] Digest Number 2228
To: notify-dg-amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com</tt>
<table id="role_body" style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: Arial" bottomMargin="7" leftMargin="7" topMargin="7" rightMargin="7"><font id="role_document" face="Arial" color="#000000" size="2">
Hi Paul, welcome aboard to the world's best car club. Trust me, no one ever bad mouths a fellow amphibians car. Most of us have parts, accessories, etc. that are non stock on our cars and basically , anything goes, even strange or different colors. Many of us have cars with blistering quarter panels with rust pushing through and that is OK too. We all just want to get together and swim together and have a blast. Trust me , no one cares how correct or how close to concours your car is. All we care about is that it is safe and you are having the time of your life. Chuck in MI
My blue 68 should be back from the paint shop this week. I am so excited , I can't wait to see it . </font>