While visiting here in beautiful Solvang, I was doing brake
maintenance (honing cylinders and replacing front brake hoses). When
tight to the hose, the brass end fitting to hull-banjo was rotated 90
degrees from its' attachemnt position (angled to the hull rather than
to the wheel). Attempting to rotate the hose just a "little bit
more" to flip it, I managed to snap-off the hose-seat boss on the RH
cylinder. (I didn't think I put THAT much pressure on it, but ....)
So instead of contining onward toward the Grand Canyon tomorrow, we
will be making the 4-5 hour (RT) drive to/from Santa Fe Springs to
visit Hugh & Shellee and pick up a replacement cylinder (overnight
delivery here is "iffy").
When I get it, is there a secret to insuring alignment of the hose
end fitting to the body banjo? I certainly don't want to go through
this again. My friends are exceedingly hospitable, but plan to leave
themselves on Thursday - I also hope to stop back in the spring.
Amphi, Nancy and I have many thousands of miles to go!
My cell is (206) 919-2287 if there is offered advice that might not
make an email.
Thanks - LarryS
maintenance (honing cylinders and replacing front brake hoses). When
tight to the hose, the brass end fitting to hull-banjo was rotated 90
degrees from its' attachemnt position (angled to the hull rather than
to the wheel). Attempting to rotate the hose just a "little bit
more" to flip it, I managed to snap-off the hose-seat boss on the RH
cylinder. (I didn't think I put THAT much pressure on it, but ....)
So instead of contining onward toward the Grand Canyon tomorrow, we
will be making the 4-5 hour (RT) drive to/from Santa Fe Springs to
visit Hugh & Shellee and pick up a replacement cylinder (overnight
delivery here is "iffy").
When I get it, is there a secret to insuring alignment of the hose
end fitting to the body banjo? I certainly don't want to go through
this again. My friends are exceedingly hospitable, but plan to leave
themselves on Thursday - I also hope to stop back in the spring.
Amphi, Nancy and I have many thousands of miles to go!
My cell is (206) 919-2287 if there is offered advice that might not
make an email.
Thanks - LarryS