Front Wheel Bearing problem



When I jacked my Red 67 up to adjust the brakes, I noticed a
growl from the right front when I spin the wheel. No play noticed.
The left side is relativily quiet. I think it a wheel bearing problem.

Can anyone tell me what bearings & seals to use to replace

Should I rent a hub puller? It looks like the brake shoes need to
come off. I did a brake job myself last year and it went pretty
smooth but didn't touch the bearings.

Any other tricks or tips?



67 Red Fish

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I replaced left front wheel bearings last year. A puller will not work becausethe inner bearing does not have enough roomto get a puller behind it. When you pry it off what will happen is the roller cage and rollers will break off leaving only the race on the spindle. I cut the race off the spindle using an acetylene torch. I used a piece of exhaust pipe to make a driver to drive the new bearing on to the spindle. Check the archives for the bearing number, it is a standard Timken bearing available atNapa. I am not sure of the seal, I ordered mine from Hugh.
Tim Wick

Con Oamek


Thanks for the invitation to join you at Wisconsin Dells; great to meet you.

Your car sure was a standout. Thousands of cars there and the Amphicar was easy to spot. I think everyone at the show came by for a look.

Con Oamek
California wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> <font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2"> I replaced left front wheel bearings last year. A puller will not work becausethe inner bearing does not have enough roomto get a puller behind it. When you pry it off what will happen is the roller cage and rollers will break off leaving only the race on the spindle. I cut the race off the spindle using an acetylene torch. I used a
piece of exhaust pipe to make a driver to drive the new bearing on to the spindle. Check the archives for the bearing number, it is a standard Timken bearing available atNapa. I am not sure of the seal, I ordered mine from Hugh. Tim Wick Wisconsin</font> </blockquote>