Just as a followup to the Cap'n's message below, when I called
1-877-843-6468 (Customer Service) the very nice lady who answered suggested
I contact the Marketing Department at 1-610-459-6000 with the Amphicar Model
If you really WANT a model, everybody should probably call both numbers.
That might get a little "interdepartmental fuss" happening over at Franklin
Mint...memos flying around and that sort of thing. At least they'll be able
to spell "Amphicar". You might also suggest they see the Club's website at
www.amphicar.com for more info about just what an Amphicar is since they may
need it.
As we all painfully know, there are no high quality die cast models
available of out beloved Amphicars. The 1:43 scale models are OK at
best for their small scale. What I have in mind is a blitz of sorts
to convince the Franklin Mint that they should add the Little
orphaned Amphi to thier die cast offerings.
I have already made the 1st call and suggested it. Now if the rest of
us do the same, you never know what may come of it! If we can also
post this to the club news letter, it would help out those not on
line and off shore.
Call 1-877-843-6468 and let them know you have a hankering for a 1:24