Bill Connelly
Does anyone coming to Celina have one of those fancy video cassette players
that can also play european standard (PAL) format tapes? Our crew of German
visitors is planning to bring along several videos including the fabled
"Lustschrei im Urwald" (an lusty tale of amphibious motoring in the jungle
at its seemiest).
Please contact me offlist at bilgemaster@amphicar.com if you can bring such
a deck along to Celina.
that can also play european standard (PAL) format tapes? Our crew of German
visitors is planning to bring along several videos including the fabled
"Lustschrei im Urwald" (an lusty tale of amphibious motoring in the jungle
at its seemiest).
Please contact me offlist at bilgemaster@amphicar.com if you can bring such
a deck along to Celina.