

Michael Echemann

<table bgColor="#ffffff">
<font face="Arial" size="2">Can anyone share what they've done to prep an engine for starting after it's sat for many years. They are pretty durable little motors but some say drop kerosene and trans fluid in the plug holes etc. Any tips I can draw on here. The engine has been sitting idle for about 20 plus years. It is free and I'm assuming(hoping it's fine). Oil, filters, fuel changes are a given.</font>

<font face="Arial" size="2">I also found the car rolls freely when the trans is in neutral but once in gear and the clutch pedal to the floor it won't. The clutch pedal feels fine like it's pressing on the plate. I'm guessing the clutch and pressure plate are stuck in the drive position and they need freed up. Does anyone have any other thoughts and is it likely the clutch will free itself.</font>

<font face="Arial" size="2">Thanks</font>


I used kerosene in both the top and bottom end, turned over by hand a bit,
let sit, turned over some more by hand, finally drained it out after a few
minutes of idling. Seemed to work ok for me.

As for the clutch. My cable was shot ... had about 2 thin strands holding
it together.



<table bgColor="#ffffff">
<font face="Arial" size="2">When I have had a similar problem with herald engines I have just put fresh oil, water & fuel. Providing the engine is 'free' just put a new battery on and just start winding, the herald engines are so simple they will fire up eventually. You may have to play with the carb or the fuel pump but they will fire...</font>
<font face="Arial" size="2">Rob.</font>
<font face="Arial" size="2">6 triumph heralds.</font>
<blockquote style="BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px">
<div style="FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message -----
<div style="BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: black">From: Michael Echemann
<div style="FONT: 10pt arial">To: amphicar lovers
<div style="FONT: 10pt arial">Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2000 11:38 PM
<div style="FONT: 10pt arial">Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Engines&Clutches

<font face="Arial" size="2">Can anyone share what they've done to prep an engine for starting after it's sat for many years. They are pretty durable little motors but some say drop kerosene and trans fluid in the plug holes etc. Any tips I can draw on here. The engine has been sitting idle for about 20 plus years. It is free and I'm assuming(hoping it's fine). Oil, filters, fuel changes are a given.</font>

<font face="Arial" size="2">I also found the car rolls freely when the trans is in neutral but once in gear and the clutch pedal to the floor it won't. The clutch pedal feels fine like it's pressing on the plate. I'm guessing the clutch and pressure plate are stuck in the drive position and they need freed up. Does anyone have any other thoughts and is it likely the clutch will free itself.</font>

<font face="Arial" size="2">Thanks</font>
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Bill Connelly

Mine sat for 14 years, and although I'd already changed the oil, pulled the
plugs and shot a few desultory squirts of Liquid Wrench into the cylinder
bores, frankly I was just messing around cleaning the shed rodent fur off of
the starter solenoid's rubber button booty (say THAT three times quick),
when the thing suddenly sprang to life by itself...It was like I'd just
parked it for a quick dash into the 7-11 for some of that teriyaki jerky the
way it kicked in. Since the whole bottom half of the muffler was missing,
it also made quite a roar...I can assure you I needed a fresh pair of BVDs
that afternoon.

I suppose that all of this just goes to bear out the point of an earlier
posting...that the Herald's seem to be awfully robust primitive little
powerplants. A squoodge of oil or whatnot down the bores, drain and refill
what can be drained and refilled, and just fire her up. Run it a bit (maybe
a few hours) just to kick the cobwebs around and then drain and refill
again, and all will likely be well thereafter. Examine those first two oil
drainings carefully for clues in the clumps. As far as the engine oil goes,
I would recommend using whatever conventional oil and filter happens to be
on sale for this first "re-breaking in" period, because you'll likely WANT
that lower viscosity and its extra little rub-a-dub-dub knocking about those
rickety moving bits. After 500 miles or so, THEN go to the AMSOIL 10W30 and
filter. As for the trannies, I'd suggest an immediate whole-hog
pain-in-the-ass need-a-wrist-like-a-squirrel-monkey pull-the-drain-plugs
draining (as opposed to trying to pump it out, which never gets it ALL out)
and a refill with the AMSOIL GL-4, if only for its better anti-oxidant
properties compared with other gear goops.

Good Luck!

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Echemann
To: amphicar lovers
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2000 11:38 PM
Subject: [amphicar-lovers] Engines&Clutches

Can anyone share what they've done to prep an engine for starting after it's
sat for many years. They are pretty durable little motors but some say drop
kerosene and trans fluid in the plug holes etc. Any tips I can draw on
here. The engine has been sitting idle for about 20 plus years. It is free
and I'm assuming(hoping it's fine). Oil, filters, fuel changes are a given.

I also found the car rolls freely when the trans is in neutral but once in
gear and the clutch pedal to the floor it won't. The clutch pedal feels
fine like it's pressing on the plate. I'm guessing the clutch and pressure
plate are stuck in the drive position and they need freed up. Does anyone
have any other thoughts and is it likely the clutch will free itself.


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