Cap'n John
Hey buddy
I sent this out on the old digest in 1999. Received from Jacob's Electronics
when I inquired about my Amphi in 1999.
Attached are all the e-mails from that period when I sent them out
originally. I do not know if Doc. Bryant is still there, but as far as
Jacob's Electronics, they are a fantastic company!!!
Website: http://www.jacobselectronics.com (e-mail contact site there as well!)
I installed one of their systems on my 1982 Datsun [STILL GOING STRONG!]
(Nap-Z engine, dual coil, 8-plug 4-banger), several years ago, and I have had
WONDERFUL performance out of it. I had 1-problem with a coil wire, and when
I contacted them, no problem, how long do you want it??? (FREE) When was the
last time we all had customer service like this ????
You might re-contact them and try again. Maybe the price has dropped as well
Let me know what you come up with. I have been meaning to contact them as
well to find out about this again. Electronic ignition in water gives me a
warmer feeling than the old points and condenser routine.
Hope this helps bud.
Matthew Shuman (matshuman@aol.com)
64' Red & 64' black also.
Subj: Your Amphicar
Date: 11/20/1999 12:04:41 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: <A HREF="mailto:JacobsElectronic">JacobsElectronic</A>
I hadn't seen an Amphicar in years! Here is what we can do for it.
You have two options. The first would be to replace the points with one of
the "Ignitors." There are a few companies that make them. All they are is
an LED/shutter trigger that is inserted into the distributor in place of the
points. They do not need adjusting, but for my opinion, they are not too
much more reliable than what they replace. And at 60-100 dollars, much more
costly. We can run any of our ignition systems from the output of the
The second option, while more expensive than the first, offers far more
benefits. This would be to use one of our Ultra Team ignitions. As you
probably are well aware of by now, the Ultra Team's Energy Pack has a built
in "magnetic pickup module." The magnetic pickup is basically a signal
amplifier. It steps up the signal from a points style trigger to the higher
levels needed to drive our Ultra Coil effectively. What this in effect does
for the points is this:
We drop voltage through the points/condenser from 260 volts (breakover
voltage) at 7 amps to less than 7 volts at 5 milliamps.
By lowering the breakover voltage and current, your points have a tenfold
greater lifespan with few adjustment worries ever. Also, this points system
is more vibration resistant than the ignitor modules! Since we draw voltage
and current to run our ignition systems directly from the vehicle battery, no
longer will the points burn out when connected in this way. Also, when an
ignitor packs it in, you are out the cost of a new ignitor. Points normally
give quite a bit of warning before going unserviceable. Thus, you are spared
a tow from a friendly personal watercraft when you are out paddling about the
Either the Mileage Master Ultra Team at $479.00 or the Pro Street Ultra Team
at $514.00 will work in this manner. The Pro Street has our latest chip set
and programming for best results with any engine at any grade of gasoline (or
quality level). The Pro Street also has a built in soft touch rev limiter
for additional engine protection in case of driveline or driver failure!
Any other questions? If you want one, let me know here and I will get it
taken care of straight away.
Doc Bryant
Senior Technician
Jacob's Electronics
email me <jacobselectronic@aol.com>
Subj: Re: Your Amphicar
Date: 11/21/1999 8:10:10 AM Pacific Standard Time
To: <A HREF="mailto:JacobsElectronic">JacobsElectronic</A>
I hope that you don't mind that I sent this following message ALL OVER THE
WORLD to all the Amphicar Lovers!
Thank you for the information. Maybe something will become of it for you and
your company.
They are always talking about wet points. Remember those days?
Thanks again.
Matt Shuman (customer# ??????)
Hey gang.
For all of you that have ever thought of converting your old point systems
over to electronic, here is what Jacob's Electronics came up with for our
Amphis! I have one of their systems in my old 82 Datsun Pickup, and it has
been fantastic for me, so I inquired about an Amphi coversion and here is
what this nice gentleman came up with for us.
Matt Shuman-California
1964 Red (Sinker but Runner)
Their web site is; http://www.jacobselectronics.com
Subj: Your Amphicar
Date: 11/20/1999 12:04:41 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: JacobsElectronic
I hadn't seen an Amphicar in years! Here is what we can do for it.
YDoc Bryant
Senior Technician
Jacob's Electronics
email me <jacobselectronic@aol.com>
Subj: Re: Your Amphicar
Date: 11/21/1999 8:10:49 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: <A HREF="mailto:JacobsElectronic">JacobsElectronic</A>
Ahh, secret of old age and treachery. This mailbox can be read at my home
drome! No, not Admiral. Got seasick too damn much. Try Lt. Col., USAF
Doc Bryant
Senior Technician
Jacob's Electronics
email me <jacobselectronic@aol.com>
Hey buddy
I sent this out on the old digest in 1999. Received from Jacob's Electronics
when I inquired about my Amphi in 1999.
Attached are all the e-mails from that period when I sent them out
originally. I do not know if Doc. Bryant is still there, but as far as
Jacob's Electronics, they are a fantastic company!!!
Website: http://www.jacobselectronics.com (e-mail contact site there as well!)
I installed one of their systems on my 1982 Datsun [STILL GOING STRONG!]
(Nap-Z engine, dual coil, 8-plug 4-banger), several years ago, and I have had
WONDERFUL performance out of it. I had 1-problem with a coil wire, and when
I contacted them, no problem, how long do you want it??? (FREE) When was the
last time we all had customer service like this ????
You might re-contact them and try again. Maybe the price has dropped as well
Let me know what you come up with. I have been meaning to contact them as
well to find out about this again. Electronic ignition in water gives me a
warmer feeling than the old points and condenser routine.
Hope this helps bud.
Matthew Shuman (matshuman@aol.com)
64' Red & 64' black also.
Subj: Your Amphicar
Date: 11/20/1999 12:04:41 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: <A HREF="mailto:JacobsElectronic">JacobsElectronic</A>
I hadn't seen an Amphicar in years! Here is what we can do for it.
You have two options. The first would be to replace the points with one of
the "Ignitors." There are a few companies that make them. All they are is
an LED/shutter trigger that is inserted into the distributor in place of the
points. They do not need adjusting, but for my opinion, they are not too
much more reliable than what they replace. And at 60-100 dollars, much more
costly. We can run any of our ignition systems from the output of the
The second option, while more expensive than the first, offers far more
benefits. This would be to use one of our Ultra Team ignitions. As you
probably are well aware of by now, the Ultra Team's Energy Pack has a built
in "magnetic pickup module." The magnetic pickup is basically a signal
amplifier. It steps up the signal from a points style trigger to the higher
levels needed to drive our Ultra Coil effectively. What this in effect does
for the points is this:
We drop voltage through the points/condenser from 260 volts (breakover
voltage) at 7 amps to less than 7 volts at 5 milliamps.
By lowering the breakover voltage and current, your points have a tenfold
greater lifespan with few adjustment worries ever. Also, this points system
is more vibration resistant than the ignitor modules! Since we draw voltage
and current to run our ignition systems directly from the vehicle battery, no
longer will the points burn out when connected in this way. Also, when an
ignitor packs it in, you are out the cost of a new ignitor. Points normally
give quite a bit of warning before going unserviceable. Thus, you are spared
a tow from a friendly personal watercraft when you are out paddling about the
Either the Mileage Master Ultra Team at $479.00 or the Pro Street Ultra Team
at $514.00 will work in this manner. The Pro Street has our latest chip set
and programming for best results with any engine at any grade of gasoline (or
quality level). The Pro Street also has a built in soft touch rev limiter
for additional engine protection in case of driveline or driver failure!
Any other questions? If you want one, let me know here and I will get it
taken care of straight away.
Doc Bryant
Senior Technician
Jacob's Electronics
email me <jacobselectronic@aol.com>
Subj: Re: Your Amphicar
Date: 11/21/1999 8:10:10 AM Pacific Standard Time
To: <A HREF="mailto:JacobsElectronic">JacobsElectronic</A>
I hope that you don't mind that I sent this following message ALL OVER THE
WORLD to all the Amphicar Lovers!
Thank you for the information. Maybe something will become of it for you and
your company.
They are always talking about wet points. Remember those days?
Thanks again.
Matt Shuman (customer# ??????)
Hey gang.
For all of you that have ever thought of converting your old point systems
over to electronic, here is what Jacob's Electronics came up with for our
Amphis! I have one of their systems in my old 82 Datsun Pickup, and it has
been fantastic for me, so I inquired about an Amphi coversion and here is
what this nice gentleman came up with for us.
Matt Shuman-California
1964 Red (Sinker but Runner)
Their web site is; http://www.jacobselectronics.com
Subj: Your Amphicar
Date: 11/20/1999 12:04:41 AM Pacific Standard Time
From: JacobsElectronic
I hadn't seen an Amphicar in years! Here is what we can do for it.
YDoc Bryant
Senior Technician
Jacob's Electronics
email me <jacobselectronic@aol.com>
Subj: Re: Your Amphicar
Date: 11/21/1999 8:10:49 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: <A HREF="mailto:JacobsElectronic">JacobsElectronic</A>
Ahh, secret of old age and treachery. This mailbox can be read at my home
drome! No, not Admiral. Got seasick too damn much. Try Lt. Col., USAF
Doc Bryant
Senior Technician
Jacob's Electronics
email me <jacobselectronic@aol.com>