Door glass pattern needed

Greetings All,
I had a mishap with both of my door windows. I am in need of a paper pattern that I can take to a local glass shop. If you have your door glass out of the car and could trace it out for me, I would make it right with you. Please contact me at bad(dot) dogg (at)
Many thanks!

Brian Crombie
Faribault, mn.
Presently, the wife and I are in Texas trying out this "snow bird" thing. So far I'm diggn' it! I spoke to a glass shop before we left Minnesota and he gave me a rough price. I need to check with one or two others. I will share the results as soon as I get them. Many thanks for your efforts Ken!



Amphicar Expert
About 10 years ago I had Proper side glass windows made up
Fronts , rears and Vents, they are all proper Tempered car glass
I have a few fronts/ rears left and Lots of vents as they doubled my order off them. Vents are $25 each....Compare!
email me off line if you want a copy of my parts stock.
have a master list and a list of parts I keep in Florida.

parts 2 015.jpg