Dave Derer
Hey Bilgemaster you sure know how to stir up the bilge goo on Ebay!! Wow
that guy has some extra time on his hands.
We have had a cold snap and river is mostly frozen. Last year I was able
to be on river Christmas Eve.
Forth annual Swim with Dave the Wave has more preregisterd swimmers than
there were cars for first Swim In. I do not have confirmation yet but I
hope to be able to use Byron Dragstrip on Sunday May 19th. We swim down
river to a ramp near strip then do some 1/4 mile passes. Later Dave the
that guy has some extra time on his hands.
We have had a cold snap and river is mostly frozen. Last year I was able
to be on river Christmas Eve.
Forth annual Swim with Dave the Wave has more preregisterd swimmers than
there were cars for first Swim In. I do not have confirmation yet but I
hope to be able to use Byron Dragstrip on Sunday May 19th. We swim down
river to a ramp near strip then do some 1/4 mile passes. Later Dave the