Dog lick fan club


Dave Derer

Hey Bilgemaster you sure know how to stir up the bilge goo on Ebay!! Wow
that guy has some extra time on his hands.

We have had a cold snap and river is mostly frozen. Last year I was able
to be on river Christmas Eve.

Forth annual Swim with Dave the Wave has more preregisterd swimmers than
there were cars for first Swim In. I do not have confirmation yet but I
hope to be able to use Byron Dragstrip on Sunday May 19th. We swim down
river to a ramp near strip then do some 1/4 mile passes. Later Dave the

Bill Connelly

Hey Bilgemaster you sure know how to stir up the bilge goo on Ebay!! Wow
that guy has some extra time on his hands.


I suspect he'll NEED that time soon to weather the brutal attacks of the
Pillsbury Doughboy's Legal Department and a couple-few other parties, the
violation of whose trademarks and copyrights are a defining characteristic
of his other auctions. Shouldn't be long now before the first "cease and
desist/claim for damage and infringement of property/recovery of legal
costs" love letters begin arriving at his trailerpark...Shame we can't
watch, really. One can only hope he carries on with them just as he has
with us.

The funny thing is, under other circumstances I actually enjoy this
froot-loop's company...At least the voices in my head say so.


Cap''n John

I filed complaints about his auctions to eBay and within 2 days he
was forced to change them. So he is getting some pressure from eBay
too. "What a moroon" - Bugs Bunny


Eric Mattlin

Gee Dave ... I guess it's time to put the wheelie bars back on my
Amphicar. How about nitrous injection too while we're turning it in
a 1/4 miler.


--- In, Dave Derer <dmd@e...> wrote:
> Hey Bilgemaster you sure know how to stir up the bilge goo on
Ebay!! Wow
> that guy has some extra time on his hands.
> We have had a cold snap and river is mostly frozen. Last year I was
> to be on river Christmas Eve.
> Forth annual Swim with Dave the Wave has more preregisterd swimmers
> there were cars for first Swim In. I do not have confirmation yet
but I
> hope to be able to use Byron Dragstrip on Sunday May 19th. We swim
> river to a ramp near strip then do some 1/4 mile passes. Later
Dave the
> Wave