Does this guy look familiar to anyone?


Has anyone seen these pictures before? (I hope the pictures come through OK.) Can you identify the guy in the Amphicar? Someone was trying to scam me about selling this Amphicar for $2,500. What a jerk! I'd love to know who this is in the picture. Ina (in the Boro)

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Amphi Guru & Former IAOC President
Has anyone seen these pictures before? (I hope the pictures come through OK.) Can you identify the guy in the Amphicar? Someone was trying to scam me about selling this Amphicar for $2,500. What a jerk! I'd love to know who this is in the picture. Ina (in the Boro)

No pics came thru.

Was he from Nebraska per chance? If you want to scam a scamer call David @ 402-686-5816 or 402-686-6550. He tried to sell me 2 Amphis from Arizona. He is good at what he does, used my Hemmings ad to get $300 out of me.

One of the constant battles I had when I was webmaster was culling out the scammers trying to sell non-existant items to our members via the website or trying to con a roster out of me saying they were a member. I took great care to ensure that the members were as insulated as possible. To the best of my knowledge, nobody ever got scammed via our site. This was one of the invisable duties I performed that you never saw or heard about. Scammers are everywhere.

I had one guy send me pics of "his" amphi. Kinda odd, it was a RHD red car and what made me wonder was the fact that David Chapman was driving it! Plus it was a photo that the scammer took off our site!