Larry & Nancy Solheim
I can still use one forthe motorhome, Ron.It will certainly dress up the backend as we travel across the country withAmphiflat-towed (toad ?) behind. I think you posted the size as 12h x 22w". Does it affect the manufacturing process to reduce the size sightly? Say 20" across the bottom (and the height whatever proper perspective results in)? Either way, please count me in. --Larry
rlgreen_55 <rgreen@reynoldsconstruction.com> wrote: <blockquote class="replbq" style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><tt>
I have had some interest in the Amphicar decals and am going to have
my sign guy run some off. I can get a decent break on a 50 lot and
the next lot down would be 25. I know you are interested in one and
Chuck would like 2. Anyone else? Price would be
$25 to $33 depending
on how many I have him make.
Ron Green
Camp Hill, PA.
--- In amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com, Larry & Nancy Solheim
<amphi662001@...> wrote:
> In the "It's Always Something Department" . . . . .
> Now that the engine/clutch work are complete, looking at other
things I noticed that the port side prop shaft bearings are quite
noisy. Now seems the time to work on it as everything else is out of
the way.
> Has anyone removed/replaced shaft and bearings with the housing
assembly in the car?
> I did the replacement work on MetalBeast (many years ago) on the
bench per the manual, and recall using a brass drift and hammer to
remove the shaft (per manual) and not a press. Therefore, I see no
reason why it wouldn't work. Just thought
I'd get some "voices of
> I also seem to recall not properly rotating the shaft during the
disassembly and bending spacer washers that needed to be repurchased,
but I can't quite remember the exact problem.
> Thanks,
> --Larry (& Amphi in drydock)
> ---------------------------------
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rlgreen_55 <rgreen@reynoldsconstruction.com> wrote: <blockquote class="replbq" style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid"><tt>
I have had some interest in the Amphicar decals and am going to have
my sign guy run some off. I can get a decent break on a 50 lot and
the next lot down would be 25. I know you are interested in one and
Chuck would like 2. Anyone else? Price would be
$25 to $33 depending
on how many I have him make.
Ron Green
Camp Hill, PA.
--- In amphicar-lovers@yahoogroups.com, Larry & Nancy Solheim
<amphi662001@...> wrote:
> In the "It's Always Something Department" . . . . .
> Now that the engine/clutch work are complete, looking at other
things I noticed that the port side prop shaft bearings are quite
noisy. Now seems the time to work on it as everything else is out of
the way.
> Has anyone removed/replaced shaft and bearings with the housing
assembly in the car?
> I did the replacement work on MetalBeast (many years ago) on the
bench per the manual, and recall using a brass drift and hammer to
remove the shaft (per manual) and not a press. Therefore, I see no
reason why it wouldn't work. Just thought
I'd get some "voices of
> I also seem to recall not properly rotating the shaft during the
disassembly and bending spacer washers that needed to be repurchased,
but I can't quite remember the exact problem.
> Thanks,
> --Larry (& Amphi in drydock)
> ---------------------------------
> Relax. Yahoo! Mail virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!
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<ul><tt> <li type="square">Visit your group "amphicar-lovers" on the web.
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