Custom ring and Pinion gears


Craig Taylor

I just got off the phone with a tech at Reider Racing, a gear distributor to the
racing industry, and have some info on having a custom R&P gear set made for the
Amphicar. I'm wondering if anyone else would be interested in a gear set to
allow lower RPM's at hwy speeds. To get a firm price I need some info. There are
two options for having the job done. First is reverse engineering it. Sending
them a set of gears to copy. Someone out there must have a set of rusty gears
they don't need. Rider Racing could use them to get the rough dimensions to
machine new ones. Another option, according to Rider Racing, is it is likely
that the company who made the Amphicar transaxle used existing blanks for the
gears. Saves them money in production costs. If we can come up with a drawing
with all the machine tooling dimensions they might find an existing set already
out there. Maybe from a Porsche transaxle or something similar. Anyway if anyone
has any ideas on where to come up with a set
of gears to get the dimensions from let me know. I'm not aware of any drawing in
the maintenance manual that gives that kind of detail.

Craig in North Pole Alaska
Red 66 Amphicar(RDUCKY)